Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

A lot of people in the woo woo conspiracy crowd are freaking out about coronavirus, so this isn’t super surprising to me. Like, even Infowars is selling ventilation masks and whatnot. 

I’m in the South (so not exactly the same thing but an area with similarly chaotic food options), and the restaurant I worked at in college served a nearly identical taco pizza. I never tried it, but it was surprisingly popular.

The pricing is pretty standard for brand-name athleisure stuff. Maybe a little more than regular Adidas lines, but not by much. 

It is very much possible for people to enjoy a piece of media as comforting or nostalgic while still acknowledging its weaknesses. Friends is very much of its time and it shows. Beyond the constant fat jokes and gay jokes, the whole character arc for Chandler’s dad is so transphobic that even Kathleen Turner herself

They don’t need an elaborate routine or anything, but anyone who has to wear heavy makeup as part of their job should at least use a face wash every night. Plus lots of people have really oily, acne-prone skin specifically during their teen years, so a simple 2-3 step routine can be really helpful.

A lot of dealers buy fentanyl from overseas because it’s cheap and actual oxys can be pretty hard to come by since the crack down on pill mills a few years back. Also this is a really dark perspective that might not make sense to people who haven’t experienced opiate addiction, but a lot of long-term users with

As a gay WOC, I can say firsthand that communities like these and the older, almost always white lesbians who run them tend to be kind of blind to the idea that queer people can even participate in racism. And like, of course they can. Some of the most tone deaf, racist shit I’ve been subjected to has come from white

The reporting for this has genuinely been all over the place, so it’s super confusing for sure. Her sister posted something on Instagram basically saying he wasn’t an internet boyfriend, but someone she’d initially met online who eventually became a good family friend, to the extent that her parents trusted him to

I appreciate the overall message here, but calling Brandon her boyfriend isn’t accurate either. Bianca’s sister has specified that he was a close family friend, not a romantic partner.

I obviously can’t speak for Nightmare of Solomon, but the hosts of My Favorite Murder have a history of saying bigoted shit either mindlessly or for the sake of “comedy,” then playing the victim upon being called out. There’s also the whole grossness of gleefully referring to brutally violent crimes as your

Like I said, idk the exact success rate, but it all really depends on whether or not the person/patient in question has the insight to acknowledge that they need to get help and change their behavior. This is obviously total conjecture, but from what I’ve seen of this case, it seems like Michelle in particular doesn’t

There’s definitely treatment for anti-social personality disorder (the formal diagnosis a lot of people still refer to as sociopathy), but it’s primarily focused on managing symptoms (like explosive anger or substance abuse) and providing support for family members/loved ones. Idk how effective it is, but it exists.

This. Plus he also has a serious physical condition so like, living alone might not be the best idea for his health in general. I deal with some similar physical and mental health stuff and while I’ve lived alone before, getting sick or having a flare/episode without anyone else around is just stressful and scary.

Realistically, ANTM hasn’t launched a ton of top model careers, but it’s definitely helped a lot of its stars get non-modeling gigs. I also can’t help but wonder in Winnie feels the show was particularly unhelpful to her because of the storyline/edit she was given making her look kind of unstable and immature.

I’m not a fan of her voice, but FWIW she’s not white. I went to college with a couple of her cousins and they’re Mexican-American.

No one is lacing weed with fentanyl. People would probably notice powder in in their weed. The only drugs that have legitimately been showing up with traces of fentanyl are either opiates or coke.

I literally live here and knew one of these women. I’m not “down the nutso hole” on anything.

That movie is nearly 25 year olds so it’s not a very good comparison. Also, the excuse for casting Swank was largely that a) the theory at the time was largely that Brandon was a mentally ill woman. There was literally an article on this very site about that not long ago and b) the film’s unusual and unnecessary focus

I mean they could have at least cast a cis man. People are primarily upset that they cast a woman to play a man’s role, thereby implying that Gill was just like, a woman playing dress-up

Yeah, I mean, casting a cis woman to play a trans woman isn’t ideal, but at least no one’s getting deliberately misgendered.