I’m a grown ass woman, not a girl. Moreover, it’s really odd for such a raging misogynist to frequent a feminist blog. No one agrees with you on this. It’s callus and shitty to say someone is a dick for the way they process trauma.
I’m a grown ass woman, not a girl. Moreover, it’s really odd for such a raging misogynist to frequent a feminist blog. No one agrees with you on this. It’s callus and shitty to say someone is a dick for the way they process trauma.
Eh, until there’s actual evidence of that - photos, stories - I’m not gonna clutch my pearls. Plus I’m still not seeing the evidence of hyper-sexuality whatsoever.
Well, what other than her attire is leading you to believe she’s hyper-sexual? We know nothing about this woman’s sex life, just that she - like many a 19 year old - seems to enjoy showing off her body. I would say that’s more about validation than sexuality.
Yep. I think she’s acting like a typical 19 year old and is allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants with her body. But that picture made me laugh. And then it made me cringe, because I made similar godawful fashion choices at the absolute wrong time and place.
Yeah, no. Big tits cause big-time back pain. And I’m saying this as someone who wears a 36F.
Your 19 year old outfits sound remarkably similar to mine, omg. But more to the point, I think Ariel being curvy/kind of thick is probably part of the weird outrage. Like, she has a ~womanly~ body so it’s not just teenage fashion experimentation or something. I’m built similarity to her (though like, an older,…
Yeah, I adore Beyoncé as much as any other pop culture obsessed WOC, but it’s interesting that she doesn’t generate the outrage lots of female celebrities do when she’s pantsless. Maybe you have to be over 30 or something?
I’m 99% sure I had the exact skirt you’re referencing hahaha
Yes to all of this. When I feel good about myself, I still don shorts that a lot of people probably find “too short.” When I was 19 and still had my teen body, I dressed pretty much just like she does. My mother haaaaated it and took every opportunity to point out that I looked “slutty”, that my butt was too big for…
Actually no. You’re twisting the facts people use to dismiss claims of “reverse racism.” Anyone can be racist, but not everyone can be a victim of racism.
I mean, it’s certainly true that Hollywood is a crazy place and it can certainly hurt vulnerable young people. But so many people are just vaguely concern trolling this woman because she wears skimpy clothes. I haven’t seen so much as a blind item suggesting that she has a drug problem or that she parties more than…
Your mom sounds eerily similar to my mom, holy shit. I really feel for Ariel. My mother never physically abused me (which I believe her mom did) beyond withholding food, but even the emotional/psychological side is traumatic and hard to navigate. People need to leave her alone and let her show off her ass.
Eh, I get what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t paint young people with such a broad brush. Some folks are perfectly mature and capable at 20; others are floundering at 35.
Wowww okay. You’re saying that someone, who is still processing trauma, is a dick for pointing out the fucked up societal nonsense that got him in that situation in the first place? You’re a garbage person.
You really want an explanation? Okay, well we live in a society that values whiteness to an extreme and harmful degree. Many, many POC internalize that message, which can manifest in hateful bullshit like “most likely to be a terrorist” awards.
While I see where you’re coming from, I don’t think it’s okay for her mother (who lost custody of both of her daughters, 20 years apart, so it’s not like this is an isolated incident) to use the media to scold her.
She got one after her mom lost custody and she was living with her older sister.
Yep. It’s like “people know who you are now, so you can put your clothes back on.”
Yeah, there was a pretty lengthy piece about the allegations at the time and I distinctly remember a lot of people saying her mother pressured her into wearing low-cut dresses.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalized_racism You’re clearly a troll so this is probably useless, but you seem to be unfamiliar with this concept.