Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

Again, unless you can point me to their hiring numbers, I’m not inclined to believe that they’re hiring large swaths of writes. I get clickability and SEO ranking (that’s like half of my job). But you typically need a grasp of the written word to get hired. Someone who’s “trying their hand” at writing getting a

Actually they typically are. That particular site may be an outlier, but print journalism (even the online version) isn’t especially profitable right now. Unless you have some really detailed statiscal data to share, I’m unconvinced.

While I get your general point, that doesn’t mean I can’t be surprised that an inexperienced and unskilled writer got a paying job. I really don’t know much about Elite Daily, but most platforms require some degree of experience for full-time employees. In fact, full-time internet writing gigs are kinda hard to come

Well, I also write for a living so it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with industry conventions. There may be an audience for her schtick, but she is not a talented wordsmith. I’m sure why you’re so baffled by that sentiment.

I’m appalled that she - judging from her title - is paid to write stuff like this. I assumed this was a one-time submission or something, but Jesus Christ.

Yeah, this would be cruel and awful even in a college classroom or something. The teacher in question needs to find a new job, preferably one that doesn’t put her in an authoritative position.

Seriously. Middle school is hell already; there’s no reason to make it even worse. I mean, I taught kids around that age and I get that they’re A LOT. But that’s what you sign up for when you agree to teach people in the midst of a hormone tornado.

POC can be racist, too. I don’t think “most likely to be a terrorist” would ever be seen as a racially neutral award, even if the teacher were Middle Eastern.

An unless you’re a journalist, you’re not “covering” anything.

You’re a dick, so I’m not especially concerned if you think I’m smart. The entirety of this article is about the disparity in coverage and sympathy, as pointed out by one of the men you’re so incredibly dedicated to honoring. If this is about the men who risked/lost their lives, why don’t you actually listen to what

When I was in college, there was a gaggle of hippie kids who ran around (like to all of their non-lab classes and any campus gatherings) without shoes and claimed it made them one with the Earth. Their de facto leader wound up with ringworm in his foot, and suddenly they all thought Birkenstocks were very fashionable.

This is so funny to me, because at least half of the Libertarians I know are of the crunchy granola anti-vaxx variety.

Yes, thank you for pointing this out. Overprescribing is an issue for sure, but the criminalization of addiction is - from both my experiences and what I’ve read about it - truly at the heart of the issue.

I was very recently lamenting how 4Chan somehow expanded to every corner of the internet. It makes me feel old and cranky.

Whether you like it or not, people - or at least people who aren’t entirely robotic - view the world threw a lens crafted and sometimes warped through their past experiences. If you’re so cold and calculating that you don’t get that, that’s your problem.

Whether you like it or not, people - or at least people who aren’t entirely robotic - view the world threw a lens crafted and sometimes warped through their past experiences.

Some of the people comment - self included - have actually been targeted by violent bigots. We’re acknowledging that these girls are likely going to live in heightened fear for a long time. That doesn’t diminish lost lives. It’s possible to care about more than one thing at once.

How exactly is being the victim of a hate crime about “hurt feelings”? My assailant put me in the hospital, so you can fuck all the way off with that bullshit. You’re talking out of your ass.

It really, really is. If three Black, Latinx, or Middle Eastern men had died defending these girls this story probably wouldn’t have been reported much, or at all.

It’s lovely that you personally feel that way about your life, but you don’t get to tell other people how to feel about their own rights.