Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

Ugh, so true. Livejournal was the forum for all my awful teen angst, which is bad enough. I’m just grateful there’s not video footage.

The Rebel Wilson item makes me sad. Can someone call a moratorium on unsolicited Kardashian hate? We get it, they’re vapid and grossly wealthy. But I’m not convinced they’re all that much worse than most celebrities. Plus why even mention them in an interview if you think they don’t deserve their fame? She’s just

Ugh, same. I used to really love her but the past few times she’s shown up in headlines it’s just been cringe inducing.

Yeah, I’m a bit cynical about the whole thing but anyone who never had a grand “everyone’s a phony” moment didn't fully experience adolescence.

This video popped up on my Facebook feed and I genuinely thought these girls were high school aged. Knowing that they’re only a year younger than me, I feel both old and awash with secondhand embarrassment for my generation.

I have, and a vast majority of them include a link to her latest internet venture. Again, I get what she’s trying to do and I think the intent is admirable, particularly shedding light on “fitspo” images not really being much about fitness. But I think the wave of cynicism is more directed at the fact that she’s still

I definitely think this article is over the top snarky, but it seems like this young woman is rebranding herself more so than actually unplugging from social media. Her IG posts are still viewable and merely re-direct to her new website, on which she’s asking for donations to pay the bills she was previously funding

Cosigned. I have, thus far, never gagged on a vulva. Can’t say the same for dicks.

EW. That last part brought back nauseating memories of the 11th grade.

1000% this. An Oedipus complex is not sexy.

I’m the same way. My parents tried their damndest to get me to like vegetables and it never stuck. I don’t have a bland palate otherwise though, just a weird distaste for veggies.

Ugh. I'm a true crime junkie and I followed this case pretty extensively, but I had no idea he went on to have children with a different wife. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but that just makes me really, really sad for those kids and the lady he married.

No. I think its a goddamn outrage.

Ohh that was the picture Tyra said was “the worst in ANTM history” even though the show had only been on for like 4 seasons at that point..

My instinct upon reading this was to be devastated. But then I remembered that I tried to watch this season (or cycle or whatever) and legitimately couldn't get through the first episode.

I certainly think parenting is hard work, but referring to kids as if they’re a thinkpiece or art installation just sounded weird rhetorically.

Referring to someone’s child as one of their “works” seems awfully strange to me.

I've yet to procreate, but to me that's basically what babies are: adorable chaos.

I am still so, so irrevocably devastated about Munch leaving. but OMG that is the cutest picture ever.

Right? As far as I'm concerned, having a neurologically atypical kid is much better than having a dead one.