Uber is about the only way I can do part-time work on my own schedule while I’m unemployed. Please guys don’t take this away from me. :(
Uber is about the only way I can do part-time work on my own schedule while I’m unemployed. Please guys don’t take this away from me. :(
Every single human being alive who has claimed something accidentally went up their butt is wrong. Anyone who has even remotely tried anal sex with anything knows that the butt doesn’t like things going in it, you need lots of lube and patience, and the sphincter is pretty strong. It’s a stupid excuse for the fact…
This is honestly why I promote something of an authoritarian approach to our side. Our methods can’t compete with the war machine on the other side — they have the monopoly on good tactics.
They’re not. We need to get emotional. “Rational thought” sounds cold, robotic, and unconvincing to people. We need to start speaking in old Southern preacher sorts of ways — things that get the heart pounding and rile people up. Get them behind you, as one, and slam the opponents hard just like they’re doing to us.
Yeah I’m kind of wondering if active rebellion is about to happen. I’m not sure I mind.
I’m not sure at this point that the arc of history bends toward justice. In the end perhaps we’re just all going to destroy ourselves and should group up like lemmings and hurl ourselves off cliffs. It’ll be less painful. I’ll start first.
Can I get advice as someone who barely sweats? I overheat constantly when it’s more than 70 degrees F out. Summer is agony, and hardcore exercise isn’t friendly either. I’m not chronically dehydrated -- I’ve just always been like this. What to do?
I admit I’m kind of hoping for some chaos if only to show that we don’t have to play nice if they won’t.
I don’t really give a whit about inconveniencing people for a single day out of their lives.
I am like 200% sure that a bunch of people are going to charge out into the “not permitted” zones en masse.
My friend and I are roadtripping down from Boston.
oh my gosh they’re an actual flesh color, like I’ve seen funny neon colored ones or something but this looks like genuine truck balls. XD HOW HAS HE NOT SEEN THIS
PICTURES PLEASE this is the best.
This article, for everyone ever in the comments arguing about materialism, isn’t about whether you should give one or many gifts. It’s about the author wanting to demonstrate to her kids that the world is evil and shit sucks. In the light of that, let me tell you a story.
I grew up with parents who both worked 12+…
Can we get any hope? Any? Because otherwise I dunno what’s the point of like...living if everything is awful and nothing is okay.
Yes, actually. This is a major motivation. They want Revelations to happen so the big nasty evil world goes away and they get to go to heaven and all that, because they believe the world will never get better but will only get worse until the Rapture happens.
THIIIIS. Like, as a Christian, I can’t support anything with Satan in the name. Sorry.
Curious: now that trichinosis (sp?) is pretty much entirely eliminated in US pork, some are starting to say that we can actually undercook pork safely. What’s the threat from chicken? Why does the interior of the chicken have to be fully cooked as well?
Holy cow I wish my jobs did this. Having your boss be an accessible, friendly person who you feel you can talk to makes all the difference.
I, uh, not well. I...pretty much end up quitting or being let go. When I get burned out, I crash catastrophically due to my pre-existing mental conditions, and it takes months to recover. I don’t know what to do.