
I was gonna say... this person’s mind will be blown when they learn about how we bailed out the entire airline industry after 9/11 and COVID, and the banking industry after the housing crash in 2008. The reason? Those industries made the argument that they needed to be sustained so they could help revamp the economy

Her college isn’t particularly prestigious. Tuition plus room and board at pretty much any private college would cost that. It looks like she didn’t get any grants which seems odd.

No. In America, bailouts are only for wealthy corporations.

It’s not the American taxpayers responsibility to bail you out from a bad financial choice.”

How to say “I don’t understand the fundamentals of the US monetary system, but said with dumber words.”

How did I know that the top comment would be some fucker disingenuously asking why stop at student debt. It’s like these dipshits have that one line and that’s it.

It’s not the American taxpayers responsibility to bail you out from a bad financial choice.

shit, just look at the other half of these comments if you want to see why student loan forgiveness will never pass. 

Same. I have no college debt and can’t imagine being selfish enough to want other people to suffer just because I don’t have that same problem to deal with it. That’s exactly why we still have a political party who is entire platform is suffering for people who “made poor choices.”

I hate to say it, but the real issue is people on the left aren’t willing to play dirty, even though they’re in a mud-wrestling contest. The right has no compunction using bold faced lies, disinformation, or changing the rules to suit themselves. You can only win a fixed game by cheating.

6) enough of us didn’t care enough about Donald Trump to make sure he lost.

10) Democrats allowed sentiment for RBG stop them from making it clear to her that she had to step down. We got those cool memes though. 

Yeah, I’m not about to listen to people talked about “the orange one” and “tiny hands” for 6 years turn around and be like “Someone who’s budget for tacky statement accessories could feed a family of four just voted against raising the minimum wage, but you can’t comment on appearances!”

AOC’s clothing was, to her critics, supposedly evidence of hypocrisy and self-promotion, and therefore of her shallowness and insincerity. Sinema’s clothing is supposedly evidence of attention seeking, therefore of shallowness and insincerity. Jezebel’s digging in a different corner of the sty, but there’s no

Right. There’s ZERO chance leftist women would be defending this if the target was a female politician they liked. It’s complete bullshit.

You are free to give yourself permission to set aside your principles if they prevent you from attacking the object of your scorn as completely as you might like. Once you have set those principles aside though, you don’t really get to expect that anyone will pretend you still have them.

I support this sentiment 100%.  

Every single romantic story ever is based on one of two ideas. Two people who love each other but can’t be together due to forces beyond their control(Twilight, anyone?) or two people who are thrown together by fate and their love grows from that (Beauty and the Beast, Outlander, etc.) The prisoner thing is a plot

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that the quickest way to get fans to go “LALALA NOT LISTENING” is to bring up Stockholm syndrome and how it relates to two characters in a work.

I’m going to be honest, I think this is a very tough movie to talk about with a feminist perspective, because it’s hard to talk about the wrinkles and nuances in the characters without sounding like you are in some sense either dismissing the text itself, or minimizing the issues on display.

Why does Alyssa Walker have a burner account?