
People responding to them. Can't blame them, really, sometimes it's impossible not to.

it’s about fucking time.

Wow, that’s a lot of immediate and dedicated transphobic trolling.

As a Smith alum I was going to tell you to fuck off. But then I realized your comment was such shite you don’t even deserve that.


Oh, and she was also in several episodes of Girls.

Gonna make a sweeping judgement here. Chime in if you disagree. A five year old should not have a blog. Ever.

That sounds about right. How old are the kids in their Bangladesh factories?

I think Helen’s seen some shit.

I think you should blur the phone number ASAP. This child does not need strangers from the internet calling her.

Parents, talk to your kids about Florida before someone else does.

“she’s white” is my guess.

Where’s the rest of it?

Florida is full of non-Floridians.

How is she pleading not guilty? No snark, I'm generally curious.

Not to make light of a tragedy here, but does anyone have a theory for why Florida seems to produce a surplus of behavior like this? Is it the mind-warping humidity, the moronic political culture, the discomforting acceptability of Jimmy Buffett fandom? I honestly want a study commissioned on why this keeps happening.

I am going to start using that

Balls so big she has to carry them on her chest.

I’m really surprised that the “He snapped his own spine” story didn’t hold up.