
Can’t wait to read all the comments about how this is all actually Anna’s fault, somehow

Ughhhhh I can still feel the little grainy bits underneath my fingernails

In April I was home visiting my parents and I hung out with Adultosaur in Boston and we ate a buncha shellfish (as one does when in Boston) and I got real sick and barfed all over the bus terminal at South station.


oh my god

The egg face is so cute

Do u think it was the don't ban me part that was my downfall

So I’ve either been banned or greyed for daring to speak my mind. Either way, I’m done.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

I was going to post this under a burner, but then I realized it doesn’t really mean anything if I don’t put my “name” to this comment.

I am so gleeful and smug about the downfall of this bullshit family that I almost feel guilty about it. But I don’t!

It’s been like 18 minutes and I can’t believe no one has said something to me to the effect of “SO YOURE SAYING HER DEATH WASNT A TRAGEDY?!”

I work exclusively in MVA-personal injury law and am biting my fucking tongue at everyone who thinks Caitlyn should “have the book thrown at her” and “be thrown in jail.”

Wow are we really calling her a bitch now

1. I love Anthony Bourdain.

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Ocean.

I applied for a part-time job there to keep me afloat during grad school. I don’t know if the application is the same everywhere, but the Canadian one is BANANAS. Like, I don’t fucking know “what song best describes my life”, lululemon, and if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.



Adultosaur being mentioned in DB is everything I ever wanted in life.