Thank goodness somebody has a set. Yeah, I'm looking at you Mayor of Baltimore.
Thank goodness somebody has a set. Yeah, I'm looking at you Mayor of Baltimore.
Wolf knows he will be validated when he single-handedly finds that plane
This would mean that Don Lemon is capable of self awareness and critical thinking.
On Thursday night, First Lady Michelle Obama visited The Late Show to swap stories with Letterman about their kids.…
How girl get pragnent?
You should do it in her spare time; she’ll be away at HBS!
We three kings.
Save it for the ring, Floyd
Either way, that's definitely the best lip color she could have picked to go with it. I love it!
oh cocaine....
Now ask ME anything.
I fan-girled about her yesterday on another article, but I LOVE Demi. She’s been through a lot of shit and came out the other side. And she talks about it all the time-which can only be good for all the young kids out there who love her.
She’s just trying too hard to sound casual about it.
Ever since I heard a story about Demi Lovato punching a guy in the face because she was coked out of her mind, she has earned a permanent soft spot in my heart.
“I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School and one of these days I will do that... in my spare time”
Little Blake Lively down the block might be going to Harvard!
He can still get it. Any man who can be so openly disdainful of the shitty role he’s playing wins my favour. As does his costar. I’ve been binging on their interviews, because they’re hilarious and very witty.
Girl, really? Mine has just gotten harder. (Even though he was really, embarrassingly awful in the movie.)