
They will come your way. I was sobbing into a bottle of Bud Light at a bar a week ago. <33

Numbers AND case law and medical/police records that make no sense. I didn’t choose the law life but the law life etc.

I got a job as an analyst at a litigation firm! It’s super close to my apartment and the managing partner is a friend of a friend, and basically I’m just going to pretend I’m Kalinda from The Good Wife and try to be kick ass and indispensable.

I love Scott and Kourt and their progeny. Whatever.

omg barffffffff barf barf barf

Someone get Weinstein on the line, we need a Hollywood adaptation of moriarty’s madcap hijinks-filled caper of trying to find adultosaur in Boston.

oh god Martha Coakley ughghghghghghghghgh

I think the Illuminati is coming for you :{

You did and I loved it, it reminded me of Super Troopers which I want to watch right meow

You should find something more important to care about then how many dang illegals are comin’ in through the border.

noooooooooooo don’t do that to meeeeeee I need to be able to come and go as I please to visit my parents and eat at the Cheesecake Factory.

This is fucking scary. America is scary.

How many times is too many times to watch this GIF in a row

Someone needs to revive Napster


Well, I’d never even heard of Kean University until right now, so.

wait i wanna come too

I laughed so loud at this