
First of all: uugggghhhhhhh.

I'm just about to finish the book I'm currently reading on today's subway ride home, def planning on picking up a Harlequin at the drugstore later. Any suggestions??

As a writer of offbeat women's fiction who's been struggling to sell her MS for two fucking years and has been told by two big-ish deal literary agencies that "We love it, but it's just not right for us," there is a very large part of me that wants to give up writing something with a unique voice and instead just try

There's one without a K name that they keep locked in the basement probably

It took me awhile to figure out what "uhkros" was.

omg can someone please punt him into space pls

Hope you love overwrought pregnancy-related poetry because Amanda Palmer is expecting a baby.

Dakota Johnson says that those who compare Fifty Shades of Grey to domestic violence are presenting an "uneducated opinion."

I'm sorry, is he wearing a Joy Division t-shirt?

I just snorted and a little bit of latte came out of my nose

Tangential, but I lived in England for several years and was mystified at how they insist on ruining perfectly good sandwiches by putting FUCKING WATERCRESS on them. Egg salad is one of my favourite comfort foods, but I do not touch it when in Blighty.



Sorry, if this makes me a judgmental asshole, so be it, but fucking NOPE, ABSOLUTELY NOT, SHUT IT DOWN. Literally shut it down.

There's so many of him :|

If he's a ginger with a rapidly receding hairline, a rapidly expanding beer gut, and a Lancashire accent that eventually stopped being cute and started being grating as fuck ... then yes!

I may have been cheated on once, but the guy had a smallish dick that he couldn't keep up and he inevitably left me for a girl eleven years his junior who ... how can I put this diplomatically ... looked and dressed like Grimace on his way to a warehouse rave.

I don't think there is a "type" of person who has an open relationship.

Also Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou please never leave this earth

Remember that time The Prodigy let Juliette Lewis sing on their album