

They came over from 4chan just for this.

Maybe it's a meeting where you all get to decide who's fired


I'm going through the "freshly single, will take any dick I can find" phase, so I haven't been particularly choosy, hence the varying quality. I can ASSURE you, I can and do rock worlds regularly.

What r u talking about, Kimmy Schmidt and Crazy Eyes are pretty much my best friends.

Let's make meetings win. Fuck it. My last few sexin's haven't been very good.

He was just trying to break up the monotony of the work week, GOD SITA take your judgment somewhere else

Also guys I feel like Zayn cheats on Perrie a lot and it bothers me more than it should because I DON'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE

Gwyneth is still less irritating than Shailene Woodley.

Everything about this post, ESPECIALLY the part about Flowers for Algernon, which I def read as Flowers in the Attic at first, is excellent.

He'd def be in footy pyjamas

This will never not make me laugh

Yah, I get that sometimes you see Maggie Gyllenhaal and think "wow, she looks like a turtle"

I need someone to explain thot to me.

I lol'ed.

I think his entire existence is offensive to all people

I wish you could all hear what it sounds like in my head right now because I AM SCREAMINGGGGG

I feel like that can't have not been done on purpose. CNN surely has a bevy of white idiots to choose from when forming their panels.

She gave us a weird assignment, to go out in public and act white for 30 minutes.