
True Facts: I saw both Incubus AND 311 in high school.

Dude, I know. It's literally unbelievable.



I feel like I've starred every comment of yours the evening and i'm okay with it

I can't listen to it. I won't make it.

Or you could just Google it.

I barely know the difference between Miles Teller and Ansel Elgort.



TCHQ is probably too busy exacting revenge.


Kickstarter to save him?

Bless her heart.

Just so you know, I worship you now. You are my god.

Someone just buy Kate a bottle of Buhbreeze and tell her to get on with it


People who do that should have their fingers cut off. I am BARELY exaggerating.

No one threw a plate at an old man. I have a feeling you didn't do well on the reading comp portion of the SATs.