
I feel like a heartless wench, but I agree.

omfg no.

I'd eat that, because I'm disgusting and have a broken heart

23. Pineapple

Someone go make sure Jamie Dornan isn't suicidal

You're doing the right thing.

Anastasia astutely notes that Edward looks like a model

I'm only halfway done reading this, but I need you to know that you are an American hero.

You will have to pry my yoga pants from my cold dead hands.

I don't look bad naked, but I wish I knew how fucking good I looked from the ages of c. 19-23.

Ariana Grande is weird

One star out of five, Dicky.


She has zero affect. It's like watching Kourtney Kardashian recite dialogue.

I'm an Emma and we're all perfect. Thompson. Watson. Stone. Roberts is okay-ish.

nah that shit's for white people



It's ~edgy~