
It was up against the Globes last year, too.

This news got me laughing like Morrissey in "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful."


My first foray into hard liquor was coconut white rum and Diet Coke. Man, I was so lame. And skinny. God I was skinny.

With fresh lime.

The amount of empty vanity flats in the UK makes me want to barfffff. Like, chop 'em up and make them social housing. Or a cat hotel. I don't know. Ugh.

Last time I was in Manchester, the most expensive cover charge I encountered on a night out was £2 - if that doesn't make it a utopia, THEN WHAT DOES?!

Totally agreed - Manchester is a really interesting/somewhat problematic city in that its vibrant, come-as-you-are nightlife sits adjacent to rough, impoverished, and often intolerant estates. Brighton or London might seem like a more obvious, "safe" choice, but I think the reality is that it's probably a lot tougher

Rookie teachers, if my Facebook is anything to go by.

Heyyyyy sup, is it hard to see us down here, all the way up on your ivory fucking tower?

I make Tina sounds way too much.

And was like "hey it's cool that this is happening"

What what what what what did I just read

ummmmm bro why are you talking about how pure your German bloodline is

Where can I purchase this wombat

LOFT: For when you want to dress like you shop at Talbots, but aren't middle-aged yet.

"I'm like, actually, no one gives a fuck like me. No one gives more of a fuck than me. It's just ironic to me. I'm always like, really?"

Good. It's cruel and pointless.

Fuck American Sniper, man.