That sounds the like the very same level 90 Zealot that I wasn’t able to beat until today, after reading this article and using this cheesy method...
That sounds the like the very same level 90 Zealot that I wasn’t able to beat until today, after reading this article and using this cheesy method...
I’m in the same boat. Just waiting for my email to order the hardware. I got an email immediately after signing up that saying I should get one in the hour.
His house looked like s***!
Barney Rubble. What an actor!
I never did beat this one as a kid, and though my gray brick Game Boy is still in my dad’s house, I never could find the games again...
Requiem for a Dream was the very first movie I thought of when I saw the headline.
I think the two-piece tank top with the clip for straps is the real star of the scene.
I think Breihan said of “Rocky,” in one of the previous entries, that it’s a movie of pure Hollywood schmaltz...and it just works.
I don’t like to be argumentative, but good God, we needed an article saying, “You should season your not-meat just like you would real meat?” Along with a description of how to season hamburger patties? I didn’t realize that was a specialized skill.
The great thing about Nintendo is that they do things at their own pace, and are likely to surprise you with an announcement of substance.
Human Alcohol Martini for me. I’m an aristocrat.
It’s a twist of fate funnier than Sonic Death Monkey turning out to be pretty okay
Oh man, yes I do, though if you asked me to name any shows that actually AIRED on UPN?
“Moesha,” maybe? Was that on there? And I think my UPN affiliate carried all those after school Power Ranger knock-offs in the 90s.
Yeah, well, I still remember when it was The National Network, and before that The Nashville Network. That’s... not better, I guess.
I feel like one of the great ironies of the animation world is that Don Bluth left Disney at least in part because he felt they lost their way by relying on cheap animation practices.
I have seen far more examples of people decrying the release of the Snyder Cut and ripping those clamoring for it, than I’ve actually seen anyone clamoring for it.
I’ve got a few that I really enjoy, like...
From what I hear, Uncle Junior spent more time in Bikini Bottom than Tony, who only went once a year.
I long to fight the Axem Rangers again.
So, do we think that war is going to change in this one?