What are we supposed to use, harsh language?
What are we supposed to use, harsh language?
I crushed the first 40ish books of the series and then just...stopped. It was weird. Those Scholastic book sales really worked on me, and when those stopped, I remember dragging my mother to the WaldenBooks in our mall once a month to look for the new books. I consumed the stupid Q&A on the official website like I was…
The show did a good job of subtly escalating everything. For the most part, everything was “justified” for lack of a better phrase.
The “Lost Cause” mythology is persistent even in parts of the north. I grew up in a fairly well-to-do suburban environment, and while our curriculum didn’t quite go that far, the texts we read definitely glossed over Lee’s lower points. There was a lot of, “He was a loyal Virginian that did what he felt he had to do…
The one that consistently makes me laugh the most is “Cape Feare,” and I love a bunch of other ones on your list, but I’m not too proud to admit that since having a kid “And Maggie Makes Three” makes the living room pretty dusty.
I work in a D2 college athletics department, and I probably reference Robert Downey Jr. heckling the dive meet more than other human alive.
I was frustrated by the lack of one-hit kills in Origins and at the start of Odyssey, but once I started filling out my skill tree in Odyssey it started to level things out.
Yeah, it wasn’t long after I posted where I realized I screwed that one up.
You leave my grandmother out of this!
There are times I miss the classic tropes as well, particularly the puzzle-box aspect of the big assassinations. It’s something the Hitman series does very well now, so I get my fix for that style of play in those games.
Hm, OK. Not much of a handle on history if I say, on one hand, “the Danelaw” and on the other “Alfred drives the Vikings out.” More like, “They come to an accord.”
A couple other interesting notes from that interview:
So many different ways this could go, depending on what time period they decided on.
No big. I may have also frantically been checking Wikipedia to make sure there weren’t any other Scandanavian sea-faring peoples I could be missing.
I don’t think that’s really the case. When I think vikings, I think more of northern Europe in the medieval period. This would actually be hundreds if not a 1,000+ years after the last two installments.
My new pet theory is that Kim Wexler ends up as “the friend of the cartel.” It’s crazy, but hear me out:
Alan Sepinwall said in his review AMC was getting all the breaks in before the apartment scene so that it wouldn’t be broken up. It ended up being 15-16 minutes without a commercial, and really marvelous tension.
Lalo is suspicious, primarily, because he knows there’s no way that Saul is surviving a shootout with the kind of guys that would try that kind of operation. If they have the intel to track down that meet, then they have the hardware to steal the money from a chump attorney in short order.
One of the better descriptions I’ve seen about the WWII German Army is that they were a great 1930s army that suffered when they had to fight a 1940s war. One of the bigger issues they had was the lack of a long-range bomber. Once the Soviets moved their factories out of bomber range - literally packed the damn things…
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