Albert Fish N Chips

I can defend Moonraker only on the basis that I really enjoy Michael Lonsdale’s brief appearance in Ronin, which has led me to appreciate just how campy and fun he makes Hugo Drax.

I think you’re thinking of Mission: Impossible 3.

Some years ago I introduced some friends -whose only prior experience to Bond movies was the Brosnan years - to From Russia With Love. One remarked he wouldn’t have known it was a Bond movie if he didn’t introduce himself, so different was it in tone.

A proper Super Mario RPG sequel where destiny gets the band back together - Mallow, Geno, et al. - has long been a dream scenario to me.

My sister got us one for Christmas last year, and I firmly believe we would not be able to survive without it.

That’s not remotely true.

There’s a jamband out of West Michigan called Ultraviolet Hippopotamus with a decent following in the Midwest, and as such you see lots of the same folks from show to show. One night I ran into a guy that snuck in a bottle of chocolate syrup that he had filled with bourbon and he shared a drink with me.

The Carpenter version has the shape shifter but does nothing with it and is appallingly barren of suspense or good chills and the makeup effects honestly are not very good.

Jesus, I wish Dan Carlin was only releasing six episodes in a calendar year nowadays.

Denloaded The Witcher 2 when it was free on Xbox Games With Gold forever ago but never fired it up. Just downloaded 3 to my Switch this morning.

Sollozzo calls that out, actually. I don’t remember the exact line to Tom, but it’s something like, "The old man is slipping. Ten years ago, could I have gotten to him?"

Five-for-five on Best Picture nominees, right?

Fredo’s greatest sin is his weakness, and at the end of the day I compare to him a Walter White-type character (but I’ll get to that later). The obvious example is fumbling the gun when Sollozzo’s hitmen come after his father. Worse than him fumbling the gun is, as you allude to, not putting all the puzzle pieces

I’ve told people that his books are escalation > escalation > escalation > “oh shit I’ve got to wrap this up.”

YES. There is something about the way William Hurt affects his pace and changes his voice for different characters that makes the “Low Men in Yellow Coats” section sound like... well, like William Hurt is just telling you a story.

“Objectively speaking, this is the very least the Colts could do”

If I recall correctly, the Toolbox Killer tapes are the ones they made Scott Glenn listen to in preparation to play Jack Crawford in “Silence of the Lambs.”

Crud Bonemeal!

Hey, this is a harmful stereotype!