albatross_Y wants to wake up from this bad dream

Watch Whiteness Work

The little MAGA asshat has already released a statement claiming he is the victim of scary, scary minorities and evil fake news.

“Who a gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

How to buy a degree.

People who can afford the medical treatment don’t usually let them go so long.

I 100% agree, my point was that people don’t get angry over calling someone Charles when they think that that person looks more like a Michael. But if a person uses pronouns different from what, in the speaker’s opinion, is “right”, good luck getting a reasonable response from them on why it’s different.

How is calling a person by their pronouns any different than calling a person by their name? I have never gotten a satisfactory response on this.

I think this is their way of trying to say that only cis-male-lookin’ boobs are OK. So hooray for your loud and annoying and gross male relative, he can post pictures of himself running around with his flappy, hairy old-man chest hanging out all he wants, because Tumblr assumes that no one anywhere will masturbate to

Yeah, it’s very much like a cat’s tail, but covered with long flowing hairs.

Close to half the length of an average horse tail. That’s why it can flip its tail around to whisk away flies.

Marketing and culture (which is heavily influenced by marketing) are what determines the gendering of clothing, so yeah, that’s pretty much it. So when self-declared nongendered clothing lines focus on shapeless, slouchy clothing, it feels kind of insulting and definitely lazy. It says, “I refuse to step on anybody’s

A lot of clothing fits in a way that means obvious underwear lines if you don’t wear something like a thong. And underwear lines are “unprofessional”.

I just wish the designers didn’t think “gender-neutral”, and then spit out a bunch of ugly shit they expect people to wear.

It looks like a gremlin that ate after midnight, but for some reason didn’t lose its hair.

No one enjoys watching the nutcracker on-screen, because it strips out the only truly interesting part of it, which is watching people glide around dancing in a way that requires them to do seemingly impossible things with their bodies, for real, with no visual effects or CGI, right in front of you.

If retconned into being a Who, it brings up the question of why is he walking around NAKED everywhere, and no one ever mentions it.

Also the perpetually screwing up, but failing upwards anyway.

I loved Kix as a kid. It was the closest thing to a sugary cereal that mom and dad would let me eat during the week.

He’s white, male, rich, racist, misogynist, does and says whatever he wants, and is unashamedly stupid as fuck.

“Dancing in the elephant graveyard”