Sure, Netflix could fix the clusterfuck that is browsing their site content, thus allowing users to get a clear view of what shows and movies exist, but by doing it this way they can piss off their own customers!
Sure, Netflix could fix the clusterfuck that is browsing their site content, thus allowing users to get a clear view of what shows and movies exist, but by doing it this way they can piss off their own customers!
To keep it from leaking out while the trash is processed for landfill.
Grease can’t be composted without specialized setup, and even then you need a lot of filler.
“Worth it” doesn’t automatically equal “profitable”. Or, more specifically, it means that the profit isn’t clearly understandable/visible yet.
The grease needs to be kept in some kind of container, even if it is going into the garbage.
High importance + low profits = it should be handled by the government. Expand sanitation services and taxes to cover the sorting and reclamation processing, then sell the usable products, plus any carbon credits earned by not placing in landfill or shipping out overseas, to help pay for the cost of the service.
I’d love to see a serious implementation of composting with at-curb pickup of raw materials. Most paper products in our daily lives are better used as (properly processed) compost, than as recycling anyway.
Try rubbing the ones that don’t respond to water with a light oil, and see if that works. Some commonly-used adhesives are oil-based.
I hold to my interpretation of it as a malfunctioning grooming instinct.
A bird that is soon going to be a nicotine addict. Keep your stupid treats! Birdie needs another cigarette!
The only good thing to come from Bordertown was a very short bit that I wish someone would put up on youtube, or in a gif form. The neighbor, who is an immigrant, is grumbling about a younger immigrant who has annoyed him “Why couldn’t immigration have stopped with me?”, followed by a rainbow (or sparkles or something)…
I remember seeing it on Adult Swim, and being confused as to why the intro would choose a song about how they are doing stuff that’s not at all new. Who approved that?
Right there is the biggest reason that The Goode Family was a stinker - Mike Judge cared about the characters from King of the Hill, even when they were terrible or wrong, or stupid, and wrote and developed them with that care. As a result, viewers picked up on that personal investment, and so even if there were…
Napoleon Dynamite’s success was more about when it came out than what was in it.
Hot shit would do just as well.
I hope that sentence involved him agreeing to be punched in the face forever, because he fucking deserves it.
Next time he should shout “SCOOBY DOOBY DOOOOO!” at the end of the call, just so people can joke about those meddling kids. Or at least try to trick Trump into revealing something extremely incriminating.
Oh well. The more we ignore, the deeper they go into crazy.
Get your message out onto a podcast, or rush the stage at an Alex Jones show. Just scream “THEY ARE TRYING TO SILENCE ME!”, then say your piece while they drag you off.
Stephen Miller wishes he was Joseph Geobbels incarnate. He’s Hitler’s fucked-up micro junk incarnate.