albatross_Y wants to wake up from this bad dream

If it weren’t turned into a dating app, then how else would a bunch of for-profit tech companies get a hold of people’s genetic info?

All relationships ARE work, though.

I thought you were going to say they were giving out Tootsie Rolls, a candy that simulates what it might be like if, as you were eating crap, a chocolate bar farted nearby.

Excellent dogs! I hope you will give us some more dog coverage in the future.

I love it when people snitch on themselves in their own comments.

After reading some more in-depth articles about this, I would amend my hunch to include the possibility ofsomeone, probably associated with the ranch, with a grudge against Silvies Valley Ranch or Scott Campbell”. I assumed that when the article said bulls, it meant steer, but all animals involved were in fact

WTF, how did this post twice? I got a notification it failed the first time, and even went away and reloaded the page to check.

That article raises an interesting explanation: were any of these animals insured?

That article raises an interesting explanation: were any of these animals insured?

I use ‘pansexual’ when pushed on choosing a label because I don’t know how else to say “I don’t fucking care” without sounding like I’m trying to insult my sexual partners.

The parts for it were cast in gold. So it’s not a solid block, but it is gold.

Why is this idiot still alive?

They’ll just blame the democrats, or Obama, or immigrants, or martians.

Some of their horse barns have goddamn chandeliers hanging in them. Horse People are just crazy.

Who the fuck is Jeremy Saville? His IMDB page isn’t at all illuminating.

Gut troubles are no fun. I hope you get answers — and relief! -- soon!

Good lord, where to start?

Just put a bullet in my head and bury me already.

This is hardly the first fiasco from Covington Catholic, either. Anybody with experience in the NKY/Cincy area knows who they are and everybody has their story of shitty things that have gone down at that school.

And his family’s PR firm would invent an altercation where Phillips had hit him first, so it was self-defense and also Phillis is a bad scary man, wah! And the MAGA morons would eat it up with a spoon.