àgreed. squeeky wheel and all that :(
àgreed. squeeky wheel and all that :(
Agreed, too many people are bitter and whiney about games. The amount of time I’ve gotten out of Overwatch more than makes up for the investment. I’ve been gaming a long, long time....longer than most of the Overwatch community; and I can easily say it’s one of the best team based FPS games ever made.
Of course people…
I quite enjoyed hero pools in OWL. It was utterly hilarious to watch some teams (usually the lower tier ones) look like bronze players with one character removed from their usual comp.
Yeah, anybody who complained about role queue should be forced to play healers without role queue. Have fun getting blamed for every loss when 4 players picked snipers and couldn’t be paid to stand behind a shield or take the point.
I strongly disagree. Match quality has never been better since Role Queue was added. And if you disagree, look forward to open queue coming back as a secondary option.
Stephen, thank you. You have stayed in this job, despite what has happened around you, and this message is appropriate use of your platform. We support you in supporting this.
Wow, this is very nice to see on Kotaku Stephen. I love this bit the most and The Root really hammers this home:
I don’t post too often, but definitely had to come down here and say thank you for posting about this.
Before anyone screeches out that ALL LIVES MATTER, I’ll simply point out that it’s not about all lives. It’s about Black Lives that have yet to have any degree of equality to white people. When was the last time a white person, pulled over for a routine traffic stop felt that this was the night they might die? Until a…
Agreed 100%.
There cannot be peace for all until there is first justice for all. Thank you.
Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”. Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions. Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.
Trust no one, not even yourself
To be fair, everything can be hacked....and everyone. Sombra is not excluded.
Because America conflates allowing people to die of preventable illnesses and allowing people to freely threaten others with weapons that can kill dozens in seconds with the concept of freedom.
Was realising after another comment in the thread that is reminds me of like mid 2000s era Counter-Strike. Very chunky and simple.
I also think Apex Legends ruined me a bit. I know its not everyone’s cup of tea, but the level of movement and capability of your characters really feels great. Even play Call of Duty:…
I mean that is the exact thing though, it reminds me so much of Counter-Strike level design. Bear in mind I havn’t played CS since like the first couple years of CS:Source.
This was my first reaction. After all this dust-up, I was curious, so I tuned in to Penny Arcade’s stream playing the game. It looks so ... chintzy, the gameplay felt dated, I can’t fathom why anyone would play this when you can’t swing a stick without hitting a highly polished modern multiplayer shooter.
Looks more visually interesting than long A on de_dust, but that’s not a high bar to clear. The colour does that.
Meanwhile I am just over here reminded by every screenshot just how terrible this game looks. Empty and archaic level design. I understand its to make it accessible to the most amount of people, but its a joke how bare and polygonal the maps look.