
Star Wars haters are not normal people. Pay them no mind.

After episode 3, I was like, “Geez, Monica, nice approach, just blurting out how Ultron killed Pietro!” and considered it a bit of a flaw. I was assuming she’d been sent in with a fuller mission report.

Now, given how confused she is, how much she’s dealing with her own trauma and grief, it makes more sense. 

In the moment it was pretty creepy, too.

Same. We needed to pull back and see the world post Endgame. This did that.

The subtle aspect ratio change from Darcy’s TV to the sitcom to Wanda confronting Monica/Geraldine was exceptional.

Past what? Most people still love Harry Potter. The people on this site act like the franchise is dead because JK Rowling said some shit (that the vast majority of people would agree with anyway). It’s laughable. 

In an ideal world, there would a be a tv series adaptation of the text “as is” (or more like a 5-8 hours depending on the adapted book), either as a high profile peak TV live action production with a huge budget, or an animated series. (And with no input from, and hopefully no money output to JK)

Honestly i have no idea whbat it means but since im younger (23) i have to assume “poggers” stems from POTG which stands for “play of the game” which is what games in recent years show instead of a “killcam”. Basically a POTG is the best “play” in a video game. Like in overwatch maybe you wiped 4 enemies with one

I’m getting some serious Legion-but-wholesome vibes from this, and I’m digging it.

Elizabeth Olsen really lucked out with this idea. She looks so perfect in this setting.

The movie is a hot mess in terms of character development anyway. No one’s arc works - why is Diana mooning over a guy she knew for 2 weeks 70 years ago? How is “empathy” Minerva’s power when the only time we “see” that is when she gives her leftovers (maybe a full meal?) to a homeless guy? Her primary characteristics

I hate that Birds of Prey is so overlooked, despite being superior to WW84, and with surprisingly stronger feminist themes.

Also...why did Steve’s soul have to take over someone else’s body? There’s no reason in the film to think the Dreamstone couldn’t just reconstitute Steve in his own, fresh body. We’re never shown that such a limitation exists, it’s so weird to have decided the best way to incorporate Steve was to have him inhabit some

When he showed up at the end I just kept preparing myself for an awful meet cute because that’s the kind of terrible decision I was expecting by that point.

But Gal Gadot is so hot /s. I agree with you. I kept thinking how messed up it was that they basically stole the dude’s body.

All of this is capped by Diana giving up on Barbara and electrocuting her almost to death. Sure she survived, but I couldn’t tell at all if Diana meant for Barbara to get killed or not from how the scene was written. It really made Diana’s redemption of Max just minutes later feel completely hollow. I get that you

Immediately afterward, Barbara wishes to be just like Diana but Diana all but forgets Barbara exists because Steve shows up in the body of another man

Sorry, gonna have to respectfully disagree the movie centered-white people to the detriment of the black lead or black elements of the movie. I also didn’t “read” 22 as white, but I always associated Soul Joe/cat Joe as black because the film established living Joe as a middle-aged black man chasing his jazz musician