
Same. Just told my wife that this will likely have some Legion vibes albeit with (likely) less fuckery for the sake of art (which I mostly enjoyed for the change of pace!). I'm very excited about this as I loved The Visions comic series and have high hopes here. 

I have not marked out this hard at a TV episode since maybe the GoT season finale when Cersei nuked the citadel and Tommen peaced out.

I can't fucking wait for Defector.

I just got my Build-a-Bear version this week and it is so well done. I have him perched way up on a cabinet behind my desk as an Easter egg for colleagues on my video calls. 

Season 2 is what ruined the show for me because it just showed her getting increasingly reckless with zero consequences and it completely undercut the suffocating, totalitarian vibe from S1. And despite all the horror, the fact that she refused to leave at the end of S2 is when I dropped out. My wife muddled through

I could see that. Which is disappointing because there have been some terrific matches and moments this year. 

Thanks for the response, this is super helpful. I think since OWL was my first esport, I didn’t have any real attachment to Twitch. It was just the delivery platform for me so it’s great to have that context.

As someone who lives in Southern California and was able to hit Blizzard Arena a few times, I was always impressed by the turnout and support for NYXL since day one. Yes, it helps that they came out of the gates strong and Jjonak was single-handedly redefining how Zenyatta is played. But they always had loud,

Can someone explain to me why the move from Twitch to YouTube has been so extreme in terms of viewership? Maybe it’s because I don’t watch streams, but it was super easy for me to navigate to YouTube instead of Twitch to watch the league. And yet, people seem completely unable to do this and it’s genuinely perplexing

How many characters does League or DOTA have? How many does Overwatch have? That data should answer the question about why bans work in MOBAs but would be chaotic in Overwatch.

I just want to confirm that in your opinion, a lack of new seasonal events constitute a lack of meaningful changes to the game. Despite role queue, hero pools, new heroes, and new maps, it’s the lack of new seasonal events that shows the game isn’t being meaningfully changed anymore.

Please tell me how these limited time events, which still happen, dramatically freshen up the core game. You seem to be harping on a lack of updates around the one aspect of the game (seasonal events) that’s most disconnected from the core game. Thus, it feels disingenuous to complain about a lack of changes since

A meta would also develop pretty quickly in terms of which heroes to ban on which maps. It won’t lead to the innovation that people think it will.

You’re projecting onto Blizzwrd what you personally believe. They never promised or offered a player ban system.

So you’re comparing a team-based shooter without a single player campaign to FPS games with both dedicated PVE and PVP content and complaining that Overwatch isn’t the same. Sure, that seems reasonable.

It is infuriating to watch the fanbase continually bitch about features they demanded. Both role queue and hero pools were agitated for and yet less than a year later, they’re “killing the game.”

What changes need to be made? You say this like first person shooters somehow evolve into different games five years after release and that doesn’t seem true. They have continually released new heroes and maps and have implemented major changes (role queue and hero pools) and minor changes (spawn timers on control

This is false. The bans were based on playrate data. They were not the devs picking what heroes they wanted to ban. 

So much this. It’s pure selfishness and the crutch of victimization and grievance.

Wait, Valorant isn’t the second coming? Tell that to the FPS community...