
This now makes me wonder if Riot isn’t going to run into legal issues with this. There is a DMC exception for device interoperability. In other words, it’s legal to jailbreak your iPhone if it’s the only way to make it work with your handset. By extension, (I believe) it’s illegal for Apple to prevent jailbreaks, eg

The fact that the kernel level anti-cheat software is also trying to act as your run of the mill anti-virus (which riot also branded it as!) definitely doesn’t sit well. Based off what it’s done, it’s definitive that their security is extremely rampant and they can hide from this fact because the game is in beta and

A lot of those drivers are pretty legit carriers to gain access to ring0 security, and probably are malware risks themselves, but

Third partys lack the straight up funds to really pull a league with legit prizes and massive promotion off. Even with all the hiccups and blunders, OWL is the first esports league to actually gain a foothold in mainstream markets.

They were my hometeam. Bought the jersey the second they were available. Followed them all the way through their first season. They were the reason I even gave a shit about OWL after being a big Overwatch fan in general since its announcement. I bailed the SECOND they fired Bumper, because that move alone made it

Hm this is all true, but there’s been a common problem from launch to now. I’ll tell you what it is.


it’s contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism.  

With a cactus

Pansexual Agnostic Socialists?!? Heaven help us! That’s even worse!

Dark days ahead for us Pansexual Agnostic Socialists.

Shock Jock Gimmick Streaming Dipshit In Chud Death Cult Shocker

It was Hillary, but she was working for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama as part of his plan to spread SHARIA LAW in order to help THE JEWS take control so they can forcibly convert us to HOMOSEXUAL ATHEIST COMMUNISM!!!

Pizza gate is back on the menu 

It’s mind boggling to me that you can be a complete piece of shit on the internet, in front of an audience, and get paid for exactly that. No skills. Just be a dick, get paid. And then play it off like you’re just playing a character. Goooooo fuck yourself.

It’s ironic, because a lot of my favorite characters in comedy

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

Wait until he hears about how Bill Gates developed

Wait wait wait....wait.........wait.....

You’re going to sit there, with a straight face, and tell me that this man who has made a living off “playing” the heel, who was kicked out of E3 and banned from Twitch for streaming inside a public restroom, who cheated on his wife multiple times, and is now spouting herd

Oh, I remember the bitching. I just think that was stupid too. Metas shift naturally over time. People hated Dive, then Dive phased out. People hated GOATS, yet Role Lock/Bans weren’t even in place when Shanghai trashed it in the Stage 3 playoffs. The OWL leadership should not have caved to the fans, especially if

I feel like I remember Sinatraa saying that as well. Seems like nearly every pro was begging for something like hero pools, they were bored with GOATS too. Personally, I love seeing a larger variety of heroes being played, but to each his own. The grass is always greener and all that.