That's the thing though. This particular exchange you concocted above is not the truth. It's your imagination. I'd rather consider that Vergara has some agency than think of her as a completely dependent object.
That's the thing though. This particular exchange you concocted above is not the truth. It's your imagination. I'd rather consider that Vergara has some agency than think of her as a completely dependent object.
And you know for certain that's what happened?
That may be so. I don't know exactly how much agency she had in this particular issue but I'm reluctant to accept she had none.
Of course she does. Women are just as capable of perpetuating sexism and misogyny as men.
We should absolutely be critical IMO. I think there's a danger in social justice movements to start believing themselves always right, beyond the ability to err. Freedom of sexual expression is super important but it's not sacrosanct, it's as examinable as any other practice. It's not irrelevant where sexual tastes…
Just trying to see if I'm approved or pending...
I was obviously speaking of catcalling men. Since the question was what men who do it expect to happen. I'm amazed you managed to construe this as being about you.
The more I read, the more the Second Amendment looks like placebo to me. Something people can recite to assure themselves they're free from government control and can take it back anytime they want.
Many of the major networks were not airing live coverage of anything. Add to that journalists who were actually trying to report on the scene were being rounded up, blocked from the town or just outright arrested.
These are just the ones I bothered to copy and paste, not all of them. If you have any honour, you'd retract what you said and apologise to the commentariate for your slanderous post.
This is just an exception, duh. Prove it isn't. Prove this is the case in more than 50%+1 cases. Cite sources to substantiate your findings. It's so unfair to judge all nice guys who appreciate women by the outliers!
Then why does so much of catcalling happen from a speeding car? How can they possibly expect to get a woman if they just speed by her, leaving her no way to provide feedback or call them back later? That's so not what it is. And they KNOW it's not what it is. They just want to show they won public spaces and women are…
Nothing. It's just assertion of power.
And you can use tights as an accessory that adds to your outfit, too!
Wow. Men really, really hate to be reminded that we exist as anything else but sex and housework bots, don't they? They want to enjoy their burger, not hear about how the cow was slaughtered. (after "Sorority Boys", a surprisingly good film)
No, it's more or less the same thing. It's the principle of only having empathy for people you like (in your case) or people who afford you the same courtesy (in my case), instead of everyone who's struggling.
You're surprised? Do you know anything about Bulgaria? Like, do you know where it is without having to consult a map? What expectations did you have about attitudes towards body hair on women in Bulgaria that made you surprised to read my post?
Well congratulations, you're better than me. Go pat yourself on the back.
Did you even bother looking at what I responding to? The guy said men can't shave their own back, so it's more difficult for them (if you can believe this level of impudence). I said it's not like women can DIY either because you can't wax your own vulva. Pay attention.