
People think I'm crazy for saying this, but some of the most devoted conservationists I've known are good old boy hick country hunters.  They get it, and just want someone to relate to them. Farmers are pragmatic if nothing else, and would be responsive to some real talk that isn't condescending point earning

Between this and the FUCKTOMB, I could not possibly love Philly sports fans more.

Love me some mayor Pete. Can't wait to see where he is in 5 years.  

Not just any cigarette. He’d be smoking Gauloises you uncultured swine! 

“Critics find her...” is code for a rhetorical construct created by those who fear her very strength. Warren doesn’t lack charisma; to the contrary, she’s got it in abundance, and that’s precisely why this canard is repeated constantly - to convince people that they’re not seeing the very qualities they are seeing.

I’ve never met a self-professed “lifelong diehard fan” of any team that wasn’t obnoxious.

This is the most wonderful thing ever filmed.

Might as well change his name; it’s not like he responds to it anyway.

This is an exceptional but poorly named kitty...

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

yep. This line from his email is gold:

It also isn’t a genuine act of contrition. It’s that thing that assholes do where they state “I’m an asshole” so that the next time they act like one, a part of your brain says “Well, I shouldn’t get too upset. He did say he was an asshole.” As if that’s an excuse. 

Wow, man, Teddy is a piece of shit. At least he has the wherewithal to recognize and admit it. That’s the first step, T!

Case in point. I was in Dallas earlier this month for work. (Protip: Off the Bone BBQ)

Everybody’s freaking out over Luck retiring but Romo did it and nobody really blamed him for it.

The Cowboys are “America’s Team” in that we have a president who suggested we nuke hurricanes. That is the Cowboys.

Remember when Tony Romo retired and everyone was like, “LOL, bout time, mush brain.” Then he became an announcer was was actually enjoyable, interesting and insightful?
Jason Witten is bizzaro Tony Romo.

That jaw unhinges and he eats things whole. 

He looks like Tony Robbins had surgery in an attempt to look more like Casey Affleck.

HI Deadspin.