...I am all for transparency in the name of public health, but perhaps some things should not be known to man. good lord.
...I am all for transparency in the name of public health, but perhaps some things should not be known to man. good lord.
corned beef is IRISH??? I've always just assumed it was eastern european or something... don't think I've ever really seen it served outside of a Jewish deli. curious how that particular translantion occured, now!
fuck me all the way up with this omfg
I will just keep doing as the lord intended and shoving an entire head of garlic in my aeropress when I’m in the mood
that’s what Vettel was there for. Loria, Gina, Margherita... all absolute bangers
saw this a few weeks back, and yeah, it absolutely rocks. not super long, pacing is superb, animation is gorgeous - if it seems remotely up your alley, hop on board ASAP.
Frankly, one of the stronger years in recent memory on the TV front. Bangers on basically every channel (I’d even toss Star Trek: Lower Decks in as a dark horse candidate).
disney needs to be shot into the sun approximately 4 years ago
“Eternals occasionally suggests what The Tree Of Life might look like with Kevin Feige micromanaging the awe and wonder over the filmmaker’s shoulder”
If Rich is playable in this, and it’s actually pulling as much from DnA’s run as it seems... truly a beautiful unicorn of a game. Can't wait to get some time to play through!
rough day for the french - Ocon and Gasly, unfortunately
I have been waiting for this man to come back for what feels like a small lifetime, and it 1000% blew my expectations out of the water??? the fuck kinda witchcraft
So bummed we won’t get to see these bad boys zoom around Suzuka lookin like this. :(
Cheap answer, but considering my crippling chemical dependence, I think I’m contractually obligated to say coffee.
Been DIY’ing mayo for about a year now, never looking back. Takes literally 5 minutes and blows anything store-bought out of the water. Shawarma garlic mayo? Absolutely godly.
I hate how much I genuinely enjoyed the deluxe version with tomatoes and lettuce. That sauce is choice.
the world may be heating into a bowl of soup, but we managed to get an exciting Sochi out of it, so thx climate change, I guess??
by the sound of things, me, very specifically, I suspect