
Quarks are funny things. The hold +- 1/3 or +- 2/3 of the elemental charge, but whenever you separate them and should get a new smallest possible charge (aka elemental charge) two new quarks appear and cling to the separated ones (a +- 1/3 e quark to the +- 2/3 e quark and vice versa).

One of my favorite experiments of all time; so cool to watch the drops rise only in multiples of acceleration, with no allowable accelerations in between.

Solution to 99% of these scams: don't be stupid.

It doesn't look like it is intended to be a weapon, more of a noisemaker. But the answer is probably "alcohol".

Color me 1990s if you will, I liked the music.

Now just make the vertical take off motor the same one that propels it forward and viola, one step closer to my nightmares.

And I'm sure the conservative media will cover this in their usual logical, even-handed manner....

If you crop this image with the other shadow, it looks like he's hovering.

Considering that gem quality diamonds can be created in the lab, actual diamonds, not look a likes, there is no reason to continue the stranglehold the diamond cartel has on the market, the cost in human lives of both miners and native inhabitants who are forcibly removed from their land, economic and environmental

Once you collapse your ecosystem, it is hard if not impossible to bring it back. That is why we allocate a percentage of available water to the natural ecosystem. Even with that allocation, the total available water is so incredibly low this year that we might seriously fuck up the natural order regardless.

ermahgerd threedee printahr

Related: among my biggest pet peeves are the women who have really long hair, then get a haircut of a few inches and cry "Oh my god, it's SO SHORT! I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE IT! WHY DID YOU CUT SO MUCH OFF!?!?!?!"

Yup. And if it ever gets horribly ratty (camping trip or something), you get it completely soaking wet, work in your best moisturizing conditioner, and detangle by hand, a little at a time, starting from the ends. Rinse and repeat until it's to a point where you can introduce a comb. This is not rocket science,

For what must be the hundredth time in my life, I say "Fuck that dumb bitch's proclamations".

Having served in an Army infantry company during 2 separate year-long combat deployments, I am a little puzzled by the push for women to get into these combat roles. Combat sucks. You don't want to be there. I don't know anyone who wanted to be there.

Awful dusty in here. And the onions, someone is cutting onions.

"You could count the people who didn't want Joffrey dead on Jaime's right hand."