
I cannot star this enough... i'm glad you posted this...


So when anyone does anything these days, we need to ensure that we are upholding the racial expectations, sexual expectations, class expectations, etc. Cause you know being a human and doing human things and not really joining the ranks of some perceived gender battle makes her so contemptible. Look author, it's

She seems real classy.

sure, sure... but usually the intent of utilizing the cultural appropriation phrase is to chastise. And I just see it as what people do. But when that phrase is utilized in this environment, it is to say person X shouldn't be able to wear, say, sing about, use Y because how dare they... it doesn't belong to them.

No offense at all, I see you often and love your rhetoric... but I feel cultural appropriation is a myth... see we are all human beings... and we all do stuff and learn stuff. You know, since the beginning of time, we humans have been teaching each other and emulating each other. Why does music, food, language, art,

It's an oldie... but if you listen to what it says... good stuff. "The Richest Man in Babylon"

Just keep your damn hands to yourself unless invited and be respectful to everyone, which doesn't mean nice necessarily, just basic human respect and voila you have solved most murders and rapes. We teach this to our young children... I mean could you imagine I five year old saying "it was because of what she was

Thank you for that concise information... he is a much worse douchehat than I realized.

just get rid of picture posting for burners and only allow them for registered users.

why not just disable picture posting for burners?

I mean i'm all for being picky and having criteria... but A) putting it out there in detailed format makes one look pretentious and self absorbed and B) a list as specific and neurotic as many of these almost seems impossible to find, like, a real human being

Right... the people that do that shit have no sense of life balance, balance of health when it comes to overworking/neglect, that important shit like family, friends and leisure are important for, you know, living a life. Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that assholes that work like that are not fun people and to

Cognitive dissonance, hell of a drug.

Too far Timmy, too far! I laughed coffee onto my desk... u bastard ;)

understand... he supports his daughter b/c cognitive dissonance, but he will still very much persecute any of you for doing such sinful behavior b/c you know cognitive dissonance. Ah to tell right wing nut jobs, that you know, judging is wrong mmkay and you are supposed to love everybody mmkay. but I digress.

um... the drug dealer took a video hurr durr... and you let him... the fact that HE capitalized off the video seems more rage worthy than going after the Daily Mail... lulz. Anybody who let's themselves be filmed while taking hard drugs need not whine about privacy.

Put it this way... if your doctor thinks you need it, then insurance should cover it... if the plan allows for such things. So if your plan says it will cover X,Y,Z and you agree to that... then don't ask for W b/c you have agreed to it. Now, if you can show a legitimate denial of care that would be allowed to

An unnecessary restriction on a citizen for someone else's religious belief is not freedom of nor freedom from religion. If you want a religious state, move to Iran. Otherwise, I don't care what you believe as long as it doesn't affect my body or any other citizen's choice to settle the conscience of a corporation.

I will not justify the argument of kids and family versus citizen and government... False equivalency that doesn't even allow for real discussion on this topic. WTF... an individual in a country does not have an overarching "mommy or daddy" it is just us... there is no family structure to a country. so what point