
Hi, another man here. I disagree because I believe any human being is capable of any awful act. If we say any human being is capable of murder for example, which I believe they are under the right (or actually wrong) circumstances, they are surely capable of rape as well. Now I would almost certainly never find myself

Body cameras, body cameras, body cameras. On every officer, recording every minute of their work shift. Clearly, even with increased scrutiny they still feel compelled to make lethal decisions. Only with incontrovertible evidence can we stop this shit. It's time to let them know they are being watched.

This story really needs a Taiwanese animation done. Mostly so I can understand it better. The lady thought saying she threw her baby in the dumpster is better than admitting to lying about being pregnant???

I routinely hear..."If only these criminals could put that genius to good use". There are many instances when that is true. This isn't one of those instances.

Also, just as the AH-64 is called the Apache and My Baby and Sweetheart.

I have been at this my entire life, the V config has nothing to do with the convo aside from LockMart embracing the fact that nobody in the F-16 community calls it fighting falcon anymore.

They want to replace these beasts!?! All you have to do is look at an F-35 the wrong way and it's grounded for maintenance. Let's not lie to ourselves, F-16's and F-18's for life, and for the sake of our country's pocketbook.

I saw her speak in 1999. Her talk made me interested in being part of the Prison Abolition Movement and fight against things like the Prison Industrial Complex.

This quote literally makes no sense.

College Republican weenies - always of high entertainment value.

I'd be interested to hear how she sounds when she speaks Mandarin.

Sorry to break it to Argentina, but you're dealing with the goddamn Middle Kingdom. You're nothing but a blip to them, and you're going to have to take it or leave it. We increasingly live in a world where China is going to be the preeminent power, and, frankly, the West ought to get used to it.

She is actually mocking Japan as Mandarin distinguishes between r and l. Ignorant and racist, two great tastes that taste great together.

Justice just discovered warp drive in it's arc across the moral universe today! May Scotty keep it together, down there in engineering.

Now playing

this interview with the guy is one of the most amazing moments in journalism:

What sort of ridiculous amount of off kilter do you have to be to an adult, and an assistant attorney General, and go stalking a college student for being a leader than happens to also be gay?

The jury set him straight....