Al Paca

Also grew up in Clinton Township and have family nearby still. Spent much time in downtown Clinton in high school and after. Had zero issues with police being over zealous. Only ever stopped once, and that was when my brother was speeding on Rt. 173 / Old Hwy 22 after picking up said delicious pizza.

Owner of a 2011 Acadia (GMC version of the Traverse). We bought it precisely because it big and seated 7 easily, but was NOT a minivan. Can handle our kids + their friends in ways our beloved 2002 Jeep Liberty could not. It has more cargo space than anything else available at the time. My wife loves it.

In addition to using shear bolts, many roadway objects are being installed using wooden rather than metal posts. I’ve also seen thick wooden posts with holes drilled in them to facilitate break-away in the event they are struck.

Similar, yes. It’s the Traffic Enforcement department. They do stuff like direct traffic, move the barricades, etc. They are not charged with the typical “cop” duties of a beat patrol, 911 response, and criminal enforcement.

Yes, which I have awarded.

Sure is. And it’s pretty good. Definitely a step up from Bud/coors/etc, with actual taste. And it’s actually drinkable unlike the trend of excessively bitter over-hopped microbrews (I’m looking at you, New Belgium Brewery).

Frankly, this is a vehicle I’d consider. My wife drives a 2011 GMC Acadia. She refused to drive a minivan, and the Acadia won because it had the most space and largest seating capacity for our kids and their friends. The Acadia was a nice balance of features in the Traverse/Acadia/Enclave Family.

Phft. Only one guy in the car? Low risk. And it’s not like he got a tire change at the same time.

Toilet seat warmers 100% exist, and don’t knock it till you try it. My office has Toto “washlets” in every rest room. It has a seat warmer and a “gentle aerated warm water spray”. The stall with the washlet is usually the first taken.

Agree, those tiny houses on a trailer are silly. But smaller living spaces for younger people (aka workforce housing) are needed. On Long Island (NY) there is a serious lack of smaller, affordable apartments for young people to live in when they are starting out. They have to move to NYC (maybe with a roommate) to

Yes, those areas are good sections. But as you said, are all quite short. There’s generally too much traffic to enjoy them on a regular basis.

Plus, people in NJ generally move out of the left lane for faster traffic, and also usually move right when lights are flashed. Try that on Long Island and drivers just hit the brakes to spite you.

Speaking as a person that grew up and learned to drive in north-western NJ, there are plenty of very enjoyable places to drive there. Head out to Hunterdon county and poke around Alexandria Township, Clinton Township, Frenchtown, Lambertville, etc. Morris, Warren, and Sussex counties have some great driving too. But

It might be helpful to explain the basics of the propulsion system and why PWC can’t steer well at idle and some don’t have reverse.

I gagged when I saw the photo. Eeew.

I like Brussels sprouts. Especially when steamed in beer and coated in butter.

B.O.A.T. = Break Out Another Thousand.

While sometimes called opposite-side parking, it’s technically “alternate side parking”. This is where: 1) you have a one-way street (very common in all NYC boros); 2) parking is normally allowed on both sides; 3) a couple times per week parking is restricted for a few hours on a side to allow for street cleaning, and

The gas engines were definitely more reliable than the diesels. Source: My dad owned 4 Peugeot 505 models: a white diesel wagon (circa 1982-83), a blue gas sedan (circa 1987), a blue gas wagon (circa 1988-89), and a white diesel sedan (perhaps 1984 - got it used). The diesels had big problems with blowing the head

There’s Something about the spooling up sound of a turbo diesel that means business. Not a car, but my dream boat is a specific model of a Maine-built downeast-style boat. It has a big single turbo diesel engine for good speed, grunt, longevity, and easy maintenance (for a boat).