
Fun fact: Caligula was named for these - “caligula” means “little boot”, which was the nickname given him by his father’s soldiers - he was an army brat. I guess that it rolled off the tongue more easily than Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, which was his real name.

CNN fucked this up, and I’d argue it was intentional.

And yet, U.S. news media is tripping over itself to make the case that Trump’s performance was “more assured” or whatever bullshit.

And who is “undecided” at this point? Who was “undecided” during January 6th? There is nothing that will happen at this debate that will make me cast a vote for anyone but Biden. I don’t need to waste my time by watching a debate with that bloated orange clownfish and I’m not about to purposely sit down and listen to

Completely agree with you there. I’m 52 years old, work in tech, create the systems that people 20-30 years younger than me use every day, so I’m way past caring about being called a boomer or whatever. I’m old enough to be completely comfortable being widely hated and canceled, so I revel in pushing over the apple

Agreed, but many people do not have enough money to leave the country. And in many ways, we already lost in 2016 when the Bernie supporters refused to back Hillary and Trump got to reshape the court resulting in women becoming chattel and guns being available in vending machines.


It’s utterly shameful and pitiful that it even comes to this, a debate expected to be watched by so many people? Why? What the hell for? The next president will be one of these two guys, the Hitler wannabe and the well-meaning older man. One of the two is qualified for the job, and the other is the anti-Christ. WTF

A depository for Nazis, racists, skinheads, Christofascists and other lower lifeforms.

Some old, dead social media site. 

I’m pretty sure even the Hubble image is false color.

Now let’s go after the rich assholes who buy this stuff.

A great idea, although I don’t see how you could do this with pangolins.

Brilliant! (and, hopefully, effective 🤞)

It’s par for the course ever since Barret was appointed; they punt on a couple of low-stakes cases in the same session that they make one or two big Christo-fascist decisions so they can claim they don’t have a bias.

“Russian propagandists receives $500,000 from untraceable source months before major US election.”

Republicans want a nationwide ban on all contraceptives. They also want to end no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage and a whole host of other things. You really need to read up on Project 2025. 

A modification of that famous quote:

I haven’t been seeing as much of that, lately. Some lamentations of the “ugh, THESE are our choices!?” variety, but most people with a brain in their head know that turning the wheel over to the Christian nationalists would fuck up a WHOLE lot of aspects of American life. In some cases irreparably.

Boy, Christian nationalism sure is gonna be great for the country, amirite?