
So glad the Bernie bros didn’t have to make the adult decision b/t the lesser of 2 evils in 2016. This reality is so much better!? /s

Vote Blue no matter who, unless you like living under a theocracy. 

We need to collectively take responsibility. Tho I don’t necessarily disagree with what you are saying regarding corporate profits, we all do buy things made of or wrapped in plastic that we have all discarded and then continued to repeat the same process over and over again.
What sort of is the sad part to all of

For starters we could get rid of individually wrapping everything! So many products we buy now have a plastic bag wrapping the contents inside the outter plastic bag. 

There are some serious dangerous times ahead if Trump gets back in power. There are going to be dangerous times ahead regardless, but if Trump wins in November, you can 100% be assured we will no longer have a democracy. 

Christian nationalism needs to be stamped out by any means possible. It’s a very real threat to our democracy and the American way of life we enjoy. 

I hope he goes missing and is never to be heard from again. 

I just saw a stat showing how the Texas anti-abortion law has generated a 12.7% jump in infant/maternal mortality rates there. This is why you don’t vault opinions and beliefs above science, facts, and reason. 

I feel like their calcs for the energy emitted from a warp bubble failure seem a bit high. I remember reading when Alcubierre first postulated his theory and the amount of energy it would take to achieve a stable “Warp 1.” It was effectively the same amount of energy contained within the entire planet of Jupiter. So

It’s really sad that it’s going to be another close election. The man killed 1 million Americans in a year, added $8 trillion to the national debt, failed to deliver on just about every promise he ever made except for taking women’s bodily autonomy away, thru our institutions under the bus to appease Putin, abandoned

We don’t have to worry so much about it shrinking. It’s if it starts growing and enveloping the planet and generating monoliths is when the concern comes in. 

I’m glad to see this show getting another shot. Sure it’s geared towards kids but I think it had potential so I’m looking forward to it. 

Honestly it’s likely a bit of both column A and column B when it really comes down to it. There’s really so very little known about the condition that even the doctors really couldn’t tell us much on it. And b/c it’s very rare it’s difficult to actually study. 

This is actually pretty cool when you think about it. It’s gov’t in action instead of just throwing money at something, it’ll help get young people involved in something they care passionately about which they can grow a career from, and it’ll benefit the country by making us more efficient and sustainable.
I’ll take

OMG when the credits started rolling I shouted at the TV, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”

And now I must sit quietly for the next week patiently waiting for what comes next.

“You know what a clean fake is?” Trump continued. “They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake. Now, if I’m perfect, they say he made a mistake. He did. Perfect. I don’t say clean fakes, although they do. They do

My Father-in-Law died in 2020 from CJD. He died within 6 weeks of being diagnosed. It’s a terrible and frightening way to go. He was a brilliant doctor his whole life and then one day it was like a switch flipped and the cognitive decline happened so rapidly that within a span of only a couple weeks he couldn’t

You wouldn’t get me back in that thing. No sir. 

Oh wow! Thank you for sharing this! 

I often wonder what various foods and drinks from antiquity were like and seeing if we could ever reproduce them. So this discovery is pretty cool in the fact they could determine what type of wine it was, white. I never knew they had white wine back then. I wonder how they served it since there was no such thing as