
Or ya know, if you have any sort of principles. 

Can we just get PornHub to release the browsing history of all of these politicians?

They were so afraid of Sharia Law that they enacted their own. 

According to the very real Project 2025, that is exactly what is planned if Biden loses.

Their “pornography” was raping the slaves if they got tired of the missus for a night or two

“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

Annnd the monumental damage DT has done to the country continues. This Christian Taliban and DT dictator cozy SC needs to go.

“State’s rights” except when your state allows something my state doesn’t like

Oh wow I can’t wait, this Court is really raising the bar for Hilarious Dystopia!

Sorry, but I’ve come to absolutely hate 100% cotton clothing and actually prefer something closer to a 50/50 blend of cotton and polyester. 100% cotton feels nice the first couple times I wear it, but I tend to wear an article of clothing for years, I literally wear them out. Cotton just doesn’t stand up to repeated

It’s 450 miles between Hispaniola and Venezuela.

“Here’s how the fox thinks we should guard the henhouse”

“Completely invasive!” I cry as I voluntarily carry around a device that tracks my every move and communication 24/7. 

This isn't going to end well, to put it lightly. 

“rOe V. wAdE iS sEtTlEd LaW”

Indeed.  Somewhere in the multiverse is a Not-Perfect-Just-OK universe where Hilary won in 2016, women still have reproductive freedom, and presidents are not above the law.

Thanks to all of the idiots on the right with aa huge assist from the Bernie Bros to get Trump over the line then.

The court also says the President is now above the law.

As I said before, we already lost in 2016 and we are living in the aftermath.  Trump being able to appoint extreme Supreme Court justices has resulted in our democracy being dismantled piece by piece.

To say all this, and the direction we’re seemingly slowly sliding towards is f’ up would be an understatement.