
Oh no, there goes his Trump campaign donation this month.

No lies detected.

If you really want to hurt him, make him watch but not film...

He didn’t stop driving the car, under court order. He didn’t un-modify his exhaust, per court order. If you think he’s going to pay this fine under court order, I have Death Valley fishing gear to sell ya.

Social media is his income. He probably makes enough in views that the fines won’t deter him.

Shhh... you just said the quiet part out loud.

Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.

I’d like to get the opinion of a profesional in safety driving but this really looks like a dangerous amount of lag, it’s like every safety measure has been put out of the priority list for Tesla or at least for this car

If an AI can do my job while I’m on vacation, I will not have a job to come back to.

... based off the video that lag seen was 125 ms. That’s slow. For context, if I was online gaming in a match, that’s match ending lag.

The Cyber Truck is a stupid design and deserved to be mocked.

Oui oui baguette!

Says the guy who’s unnaturally upset about the article. That you Elon?

Damn near 100% of the time, this Zoom meeting could have been in-person an email a fist-fight an email

Too many techies are delusional people who don’t understand how anyone else’s job actually runs. Governments, regulators, and courts will never allow this. As most of us know too well, our jobs require approvals, signatures, and stamps. You can’t have an “avatar” stamping a licensed civil engineer’s name and license

Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.

If only we knew the scourge of “content creators”, “influencers”, and “4Chan” that would come of it, we could have shut the whole damn thing down before it was too late.

Frivolous destruction porn.  Meanwhile people are starving to death.

How “strong” tungsten is, is completely irrelevant. I’m sure 45 pounds of anything dropped from that height onto that roof would’ve done the same thing.

The internet was a mistake.