
Hey Matt, how about finally booting the racist troll Swag Messiah (universalamander)?

Sadly this is what you get with a reactive system that looks to litigation in lieu of regulation to keep bad actors in check. Basically, do whatever the hell you want until someone holds you accountable in the court of law vs a more proactive system where the government (1) prioritizes its responsibility to

This is the inevitable result of the entire “no regulations” ideology. We’ve seen it before and been warned, but America just keeps doing it anyway.

Any signs of trouble he’ll run off to be with his comrade Snowden and his lord Putin.

Snowden ran to Russia with stacks of state secrets that he never released to the public, he’s no different than Assange.

I always laugh at the ones who say “if you have nothing to hide” or “he compromised our security”. Considering that the point of privacy is not in case you have something to hide but when people in power can abuse their access. I'm sure Trump would love turning the NSA and PRISM against his opponents. As for it having

Holy shit, I had forgotten that shit he pulled before the election.  

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

At least it was as a Tesla lot, and not random people’s driveways 🤷‍♂️ Kind of makes the vandalism not so bad since someone hadn’t taken ownership yet 😂

How many of the cybertrucks were disabled by the water used to wash off the graffiti?

It’s almost a Giuliani-level reversal of public goodwill, and it’s similarly, entirely self-inflicted.

While I don’t assume that’s true, your comment did make me think of the old white guy who said that his driveway was vandalized by Black teens. It said “Blacks Rule” in spray paint. Totally believable graffiti, sounded exactly like the type of thing young people would say. 

The Elon, the.

On the one hand, vandalizing property is wrong. Period.

MAYBE it wasn’t someone hired by Elon or a rabid MAGA trying to false flag for Elon? Just putting that possibility out there, however remote, before someone says otherwise.

Just realized if you take the “uck” out of “F—- Elon”, you get Felon.

Nope. Nothing is locally accelerated in the local reference frame here. Space itself is expanded and contracted; you're standing still. 

Unfortunately, we’d only be detecting these events from the distant past, unless the aliens are close by. The black hole merger detected by LIGO and Virgo, for instance, happened about 15 billion years ago.