
Now I just need them to release a model kit for the Voyager-A and I’ll be set.

Yeah, that dude is a total waste of time. By design. He’s yet another dude trolling kinja as if it’s a goal or pastime that anyone should have, let alone an apparent adult.

Hmm let’s see here, 125k acres already gone through prescribed burns annually. - https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/prescribed-burning/about

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Hey, at least he didn’t bring up the Jewish Space Lazors.

Now playing

It could be worse than you might think...

With a rake?  You been listening to that orange idiot too much. 

Like the Peace Corp, but for a clean future. Great idea. I was younger and single I would have considered this. It might even set you up for a future career in some related field. 

So, you’re advocating for an increase in dutch-ovening each other?

Hey at least they didn’t have Yoda casually waking by in the background with a coffee or something... yet. You know the temptation has to be huge.

Did anyone else notice it looked like Plo Koon was in a background shot?

Now playing

If anyone still wonders what’s at stake in this election, please watch the segment about Project 2025 here.

Projection is ever strong from him.

I would vote for Joe Biden in a coma over Trump. It has never been more dangerous with Project 2025 waiting in the wings to spin up a new Nazi party if Trump gets elected. 

I have no doubt that the Trumpists will be claiming today that “clean fakes” is the actual phrase and always was, and using it as much as possible.

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

At first, I thought the headline was a parody. But as I read the article it became steadily less funny and increasingly unnerving.

“He’s blaming it now on... AI. He’s saying... he doesn’t know what AI is, but that’s okay.”

Yeah, I’ll admit that Biden does have this sort of wandering look when he walks around, but shit man, if that’s the worst the president has to offer, than there’s no comparison to how bad Trump is.

Every accusation is an admission with this guy.