
In any other timeline, putting shit like this out would have been an automatic disqualification for the presidency. Now, all it garners is a shrug and “eh, whatta gonna do” from everyone. Fucking hell, I hate this reality.

Do people not watch Schindler’s List anymore?

More like the Turd Reich.


This. Biden could sit in a chair and spin for the next 4 years and accomplish his job: Blocking Trump from being President again. It doesn’t matter if he’s senile or coherent. That’s all he needs to do and it’s still a victory. Which would you rather have, a senile but harmless Biden, or a vengeful erratic senile

That wasn’t intended to represent a Republican voter, though, average or otherwise. It represents the maddening tendency of Democratic voters to furiously search for a reason not to back their party’s candidate while Republicans, as you correctly note, will always rally around their guy.

So what was the staffer’s name? Goebbels? Göring? Himmler?

But I can’t vote for Biden because...”

“Trump’s not a Nazi, but people working for him are” is not the defense they seem to think it is.

Well, he only hires “the best and brightest”, remember?

Always someone else’s fault, and a tacit admission that they hire morons.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s been caught “accidentally” retweeting Nazi shit. Back during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, he was called out on multiple occasions for retweeting pro-Trump memes from Neo-Nazi Twitter accounts. And Trump’s team’s defense is always “Trump doesn’t endorse or condone these users. He just

Of course they went with “overzealous staffer.”  No responsibility.

Reality has surpassed our harshest satire.

Honestly, this is about the same level as “meeting” “Spider-Man” at the Treasury in the ‘70s. 6-year-old me wasn’t fooled by the guy in the costume, even if it was better than the obviously Temu-purchased Bluey PJs.

It sounds like it was a crappy event, yes. It was still nowhere near the fuckery of the AI delu-lu-fest

Parents are to blame. Do more research.

This article doesn’t really hit without pics. Also, I dunno, this wasn’t a ticketed event, this is not really a story the way the Wonka one was. 

For all its failings, and there are many, I do think that the whole “Duel of the Fates” sequence (and score) is easily the best scene in the prequel trilogy.

Old enough to have seen the original Star Wars in theaters in ‘77. Was a huge fan as a kid. I was really disappointed with TPM the first time I saw it in theaters. But yesterday I took my 6 year old to see it in the theater and he enjoyed it. I had only seen it once since the original theatrical run, and upon

The Wonka thing made a big show of itself as being a much bigger and better production than it was. Glancing at this Facebook event, it seems like “dude in a Bluey costume and a couple loose activities at a hot dog restaurant” is exactly what they were advertising, and therefore exactly what the adults in this