
What bugs me the most is the sheer number of times total ineptitude and random dumb luck saves the day. Also, the dumb design of this thing. The droids must have really high temp flame proof knees.

Do you mean this?

I’m 100% on board with this, and my other dream is to see the Force outside of the influences of Jedi and Sith training, like a Force sensitive creature on a remote planet or a person stumbling through their own journey of manifesting strange abilities on the far reaches of the galaxy. Either of those could be an

I’ll take Geralt of Rivera over his evil cousin Geraldo of Rivera any day

It would be nice if Disney Star Wars takes the time to explore different elements of the Force, rather than varieties of lightsaber.

You’re a homophobic piece of shit.

No, he wasn’t in 97 because too many bigoted assholes like you would’ve pitched a complete fit.

Remind me when a straight person was killed by a queer for being straight that you think “respecting heterosexuality” is even remotely an issue in our society that needs to be addressed.

Shapeshifters kind of throw the labels we slap on relationships right out the window.

It looks like the space around Juno is lousy with radiation, but in the subsurface ocean, under plenty of ice, would it be relatively serene?

Well, now that’s stuck in my head. Thanks for nothing.

Logan had a room in the Summer House, which was for the Summers family. His room, Jean’s room, and Scott’s room were all linked without doors. Scott wanted to take Logan on their family vacation because he thought it would be nice to have Logan there with them. Like my guy, they’re a throuple.

I don’t see how that applies to this situation as nobody involved is anything other than LGBTQ+. Wolverine is canonically Bi as he was in a throuple with Jean and Scott during the House of X era of comics that’s just now wrapping up. So I’m unsure of who you think is getting disrespected here? Morph? 

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders”


The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders

Billionaire’s utopia = dystopia for the rest of us.

Never trust a billionaire that is “selling you” their idea of “humanity” when it’s clear they lack any themselves - otherwise they wouldn’t be a billionaire.

I other words, an internet where he can’t be criticized.

Musk is the thinnest skinned, fragile snowflake out there.

Nothing asserts dominance more than lashing out at people only to immediately beg them for forgiveness.