
Some of us will.  You know which ones won’t. 

I hear DJT drinks raw milk every day, that’s why he has to wear a diaper...

Maybe you knew this already, but Peasant TinyPecker is an odious and persistent amateurish trumpian troll that’s been at it for years, always reaching for the lowest common denominator and the ad hominem simultaneously, displaying its willingness to lie, as well as its rampant stupidity for all the internet to see.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, abort yourself.

What is the market cap of gold? The sum of all of the gold in circulation in the world?

Scott Walker didn’t do enough damage to Wisconsin?  Now this?

Municipal and institutional investors should absolutely scare traditional crypto holders; with them will come the demand for regulation and scrutiny that will absolutely collapse the entire pyramid scheme market.

Keel-er whales

Man, if nature keeps up, it’s not long before the animal kingdom just flat out assassinates billionaires.

You can’t live off $40k a year? You might want to spend a little less on your swag. And no one stays a CNA or EMT for life. Healthcare is incredibly upwardly mobile. There are generous tuition reimbursements and larger systems often have their own in-house technical schools/training programs. If you don’t move up once

Private enterprises are free to succeed or fail on their own merits. 

“It’s only the worst healthcare jobs that are available, so everything’s still terrible and we need Trump to Make America White Again!”

Attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed!

(shrug) With all the nonsense going on over there, who in their right mind would want to work there either way?

How does the notion that new jobs are only minimum wage correlate to the generally conservative veiwpoint that recent increases to the minimum wage will impact the ability for theses businesses to employ new workers or maintain current staffing levels? Me thinks you’re talking out your ass.

It doesn’t help that his Austin listings want up to 12 hrs a day standing lol

Real wages have been going up.  But, I’m sure the guy that shits in a gold toilet and pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep affairs quiet will care that your job cleaning out septic tanks doesn’t pay well.  

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet.

The writing has been on the wall for several years. Anyone who works at or previously worked at Tesla shouldn’t be surprised this happens. Also, if it’s any consolation, I’m sure the more competent car manufacturers would love to have people with their skills onboard.