
I wonder what could have happened if this was the middle of the Clinton administration and Robert Reich was acting labor secretary. I’d like to think that he’d at least investigate this and say something. The Labor Department today is toothless, and won’t exist under Trump and the line of GOP dictators who follow.

Given how many other automakers were applying to join the Supercharger network, wouldn’t there have been an incentive to keep the division alive, or at least spin it off as a separate company? Those stations aren’t going to expand or be maintained on their own. 

If Musk had any principles

Like when Trump gave corporations huge tax breaks, the same day it passed, multiple companies started mass layoffs. Tax breaks, corporate welfare, none of these helps the workers, it just pads their profits.

That evil Joe Biden, giving Musk/Tesla all that supercharger grant money and helping their abysmal sales with their EV credits via the Inflation Reduction act. Musk would much rather have Trump, who railed against the act and EV credits, and has been saying over and over that EVs are evil and killing the american auto

Imagine waking up each day to find a new stupid thing he’s done.

washing his balls is 100% worse

Shut the fuck up.

he’s not gonna fuck you, dude

This shows that he takes personal pride in everything he does, and I can respect that. There was a lot of wasted potential in that movie.

The Federal Funding is heading to different directions than paying TESLA directly. Musk is facing competition from States and other much smaller companies for the build-out.

Kindergarten logic. What a massive idiot.

(Musk) added that, beginning at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, he will ask any executive “who retains more than three people who don’t obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test doesn’t lick my boots to resign.”

Layoffs. In the charging division? The necessary backbone to smooth and widespread EV adoption?  Is musk sabotaging his own company, the industry and civilization?

Wow, Musk is so *badass* this sounds like a fantastic high performing organization that will retain the best talent going forward! It makes such perfect sense to match sales percentages to work force percentage! There is a clear correlation that no one has ever seen before!

This genius thinks he deserves a 56 billion dollar compensation package and his big innovation is “laying people off”.

Pretty sure if they were smart they would’ve invented grabbers....

And yet another group of people has bought into their own hype so much they’ve become the principle Chalmers “no its the kids that are wrong” meme.

its been five years since Endgame came out. five years. theres no generational divide. Marvel bet on “keep doing the same thing and lost. they didnt focus on new trends or how viewing habits changed during the pandemic. 

The ADHD thing is dumb and insulting. The biggest release of the spring is Dune Part Two, a nearly three-hour movie that’s a sequel to a movie that’s almost as long. If the Russos were correct, then it would’ve been released like the Lynch version, hacked down to a single movie just over two hours long. But no, it