
He couldn’t site the quote just yet as it is from the future. You’ll see.


Whatever happened to that “free market capitalism” that the GOP has been screeching about for decades? /s

Not hard to see what’s really going on here. Nunes is worried that Trump is going to blame him for the stock price, and he’s trying to preemptively shift responsibility somewhere else.

Silly Devin Nunes, that’s for the SEC to investigate. File a complaint like the rest of us plebes.

Henson had some less great sides of his personal life that make him a little less of an unambiguously great figure than Fred Rogers, but still, any time that you have someone who dedicates their professional life to creating joy, especially for kids, it’s hard not to get emotional about it.

I watched The Muppet Movie a few years ago and three notes into Rainbow Connection, I was 8 years old again.

I can’t even get snarky about the reference to Solo as a “classic.” The man was a huge part of my childhood and is still missed. This will require a couple boxes of tissues.

I was in high school when he died.  My friends announced it over the intercom and the entire school was weeping.

kinda shocked they got Frank Oz to do new interviews for this.

Yup. People forget that TikTok was banned in India four years ago. Very, very quickly competing apps moved into that space and thrived. People bleating about freedom of speech don’t seem to realize that a particular short form video app is not speech itself, nor is it especially unique.

TikTok’s owners did themselves no favors when they decided to use the app to send popups to US users, calling on them to contact their representatives about stopping the bill. That act validated the fearmongering about the level of sway an app can give to foreign powers.

HSR is meant to reduce flying domestically, not driving.

Amazing. I wonder how these tapes last. I remember William Basinski’s Disintegration Loops where the tapes were slowly disintegrating over time. Guessing these aren’t similar to your average cassette tapes.

but they could try to place the affected code elsewhere in the FDS memory.

It’s funny, we think of Retro Computing as a hobby that’s done by wizards in their workshops and basements as an act of preservation. These folks at NASA are reprogramming a computer 350,000 km away, whose launch predates that of the iconic Commodore 64 by five years, to do real science. An active space probe which is

Awesome, we’re well on our way to our national transit system being 30 years behind everyone else’s.