
Id be all about this if they could miniturize the tech into a contact lens. Which won’t come for probably 66 years. So yeah this isn’t for me. When I’m in the senior home I can’t wait to try this out

Indeed. Specifically the part with wearing $3,500 worth of bleeding edge kit that lowers your personal awareness while in an NYC subway.

RIGHT after this thing dropped I was in NYC on the subway and someone was wearing this.  Everyone on the car thought he was a rich tool

You really need a reason to drop $3500 on a niche product with very few use cases right now. I don’t think Apple (or any headset maker) has presented very many compelling reasons.

Every time I read something about the cybertruck, the Canyonero song plays in my head. 

This looks ugly AF and is the kind of fix your handy uncle who owns a farm would do on his 30-year old Kubota because the pedal fell off and he needs to get that manure pile moved today, not tomorrow.

Folks, in case you were worried that the studio heads and chief investors weren’t going to be properly represented in this discussion about why anyone except said powers should be shafted in terms of income from projects, rest easy.

Lionsgate’s response...

If their behavior and impact on society wasn’t so abhorrent, it would be amusing watching these useless assholes contort themselves every which way to both appease and appeal to their small but obnoxiously loud chud base in the supposed culture war while also trying to do the thing that actually brings in profit —

Israel has been “installed” for western interests to destabilize the Middle East since WW2. The fact they are so dependent on every other western superpower to expand the nation says a lot.

When it comes to Ukraine. Putin wants their land, which would easily threaten the US, and GOP obvious has Russian ties/plants.

Because the GOP is on Russia’s side

Any word on if the “Liberty in Laundry Act” would mandate separating whites and colors?

A week full of bills that will never pass... brought to you by the fiscally responsible party that wants to eliminate government waste!

Can someone please explain to me why the GOP is all about giving money to support Israel, who seem to have no shortage of weapons or fund t buy them in their attack on inferior Iran, but are dead-set against helping Ukraine, which is in great need of assistance, fight against one of the largest superpowers?

It’s shameful how these turds are holding up Ukrainian aid while people are literally dying.

So the because the GOP suddenly seem laser-focused on foreign conflicts they’re going to also push through those aid bills for Ukraine, right? /s

Trump supporters saying they would keep their dollars invested in Trump Media, even as the price falls.

Man, the bookkeeping at this place must be wild. How much money do you think they’re trying to quietly funnel out before it inevitably crashes? You don’t issue more public stock for a company in free-fall unless you have a yacht payment coming up.

Less of a Stonks... More of a Stinks

It’s almost as if Musk doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.