
That is because the people in government actually know that the bodies that manages voting tends to be bipartisan and that in order for there to be massive voting fraud it would require both parties cooperating (at least on a local level). Texas to be enrolling illegals that would require the mostly republican’s govt

For authoritarians/totalitarians, it was a good thing that he bought Twitter, as his staff tear down any opposition to them now.

This right here!

He did get on Ttump’s bad side. At the ’16 GOP convention. Then this happened.

He’s the Nelson Peltz of Mike Lindells.

If Texas was a swing state than Ted Cruz would be gone so quick. He’s only still around because he’s a Republican in Texas and he hasn’t gotten on Trump’s bad side yet. Trump can use a cowardly blobfish who won’t stand up for his wife or father’s honor in order to hold on to what little power he has.

Explain to me again why it was a good thing that he bought Twitter?

On the other hand, I really love that these fucking idiots consider Texas a swing state.  For the first time in history, I hope they’re right!

They say the line between genius and madness is fine and nebulous, and potentially shifting. Musk has clearly flew over that line a while ago.

Time to re-evaluate yourself and your motivations when Texas of all places is fact checking you accurately.

Huh, just the other day I swear they were complaining that elections were rigged and that Trump actually won.  Now everything is fine.  It’s almost like they needed to disenfranchise a bunch of minorities and needed to make up some shit or something.

Seems Elon is wrong a lot.

You’re a fucking idiot.

He’s just so fucking god-damn stupid.

You are safe space?

If anyone can recognize someone bumbling a business it would be Don Poorleone.

For the sake of the country and the earth, can we just deport this guy and be done with it?

Personally can’t wait for this piece of s*** to be in the ground so the world can get back to whatever normal used to look like.

The idea that the state can force landowners to sell their land at some price that the landowners don’t want to sell at sounds fucking AWFUL. It’s their fuckin land!

I don’t even see how price fixing land might work. If gas companies collude to fix prices on their product, then that affects everyone who buys gas. But an association of landowners who resent some outside entity trying to buy up all their property deciding to not let them do it, or at the very least bleed them