
Trolls gonna troll.

You’re talking out of your ass. The sequel trilogy grossed over $4.4 billion at the box office worldwide, with each film surpassing $1 billion worldwide.

I swear, that bridge came out of nowhere!

Its gonna be a billion easy, but damages will be multiple billion when all is said and done. Yet I had a guy argue with me the other day that a $90 million bridge protection system wasn’t cost justifiable because it would only cost a couple hundred million to rebuild.

Cargo ship owners were like...

Well that can’t be right, Musk says he’s a defender of Free Speech! And surely he’s not a hypocrite.... right?

Thank you for linking to the court’s actual ruling.

Not alone. It looks like more the same from Ahsoka, Kenobi, BoBF, some of Mandalorian.

Leslye Headland’s super talented...and this trailer looks great...dare I hope for another Andor situation?

“Then there’s the image on the poster itself. Clearly, that’s a lightsaber with a trail of blood. Pretty violent for Star Wars, don’t you think? But is it the Jedi doing the killing? Someone else with a Jedi’s lightsaber? There are so many questions.”

Aside from Andor, this is the only Star Wars I can bring myself to be excited about right now. Good showrunner, really strong cast, and seemingly telling something approaching a new story.

My God. A slide show filled with video clips. Could you have possibly put any less effort into this?

I’m excited.  I do hope it doesn’t make the Jedi out to be too dogmatic.  It does seem to me like they have a valid point about using the force selfishly and how it turns to evil...

Aw man... this blows. Jackson’s actually giving up his congressional seat to run for Attorney General here in North Carolina. He got the nomination in our primary, and has for the most part been an entirely standup guy in the vein of Roy Cooper, our current governor.  Cooper endorsed Jackson for Att. Gen, having been

This trend has always struck me as ridiculous. I see all these people spending thousands on cold plunge pools and could only thin that 10 years from now they will be looked back on like the vibrating belt machines from the 60s.

Did you know that we already have a regulatory agency who’s job it is to assess and potentially control foreign ownership of critical states’ian businesses? The Committee on Foreign Investment (CFI). It is their job to deal with issues like tiktok, and they already have done to some confused degree. That is, one sane

Pass digital privacy laws if you atually care about our privacy.  Banning an app is akin to censorship, even stupid dumb apps like Tik Tok shouldn’t be banned.

This is exactly what I've been telling people! So many support the bill because of how they feel about TikTok but don't consider HOW the bill works. I encourage them to look at the logic, not the emotion. 

The irony, considering how they scream and shout about China doing the same.