
We’ve seen this so many times. Remember the Panama Papers? Didn’t Trump use this to explain his finances?

Company uses IRS code to legally avoid paying taxes. Shocking.

Tesla, the company helmed by one of the richest men on the planet, is a cheapskate when it comes to paying taxes...

For the day “they eventually make it”. God those chuds are fucking annoying. 

I think it’s hilarious that the fools make 30k a year that vote republican because they think their taxes are “too goldurn high” are literally voting for the people that enable crappy tax cuts like this to exist., but maybe hilarious isn’t quite the right word.

Tesla’s primary source of income is government subsidies.

I hope everyone can separate their (justifiable) disdain from Musk from the wishes for success for Space-X. While I wish NASA could be funded enough to be cutting-edge and handle the nation’s space needs, the reality of life in 2024 and our corporate overlords control of society leave it to industry.

This country, USA, is so messed up it doesn’t know what it wants. “We hate you China! We don’t like your balloons and we don’t like your dancing app!” Then on the other hand “we love you pay your employees $2 for 80 hours of work. Please make our high tech products. Don’t steal the the plans though. Here’s all the

The First Amendment does not give the Chinese Communist Party the right to American data, or the right to manipulate the minds of Americans,” said Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw on the House floor Wednesday. “That would be a really weird interpretation of the First Amendment.”

I understand it’s the name of it, it’s just silly the insistent need to use the whole name to scare people. It’s the same people that always called Obama, Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Honestly, I think the fears are a bit overblown, as most Tiktokers are sharing dance videos, not stealth bomber plans. At the same time, we definitely could use less viral crap like stupid Kia and Tide Pod challenges. I really find it hard to care too much either way, as I don’t even use it anyway, so whatever.

Well, the ruling party is literally called the Chinese Communist Party.

but but... if the tik-tok ban bill passes will Jeff Yass demand his copious trump bribe money back?

I love the constant and purposeful use of “Communist” Chinese Party. These old ass boomers still using the Red Scare to push their Old Man Yelling At Clouds agenda is terrifying and hilarious. 

Boy, it would be so weird if this bill passes and then the apps that get labeled as “foreign adversary-controlled” keep getting sold to American companies that the lawmakers pushing this type of bill have financial interest in! What a coincidence!

Would think so, then again hunters(trophy hunters) are some of the most cowardly people on the planet so killing a defenceless animal that is just standing there is right up their ally.

Hunters just want something massive to kill with their big rifles and put on the hood of their large trucks, because something else is very (very) small.

I’m not a hunter so maybe I’m missing something but wouldn’t sheep be excessively boring to hunt? Like, aren’t they known to be docile and easy to trick?

Side note: my 7th grade English Teacher, Mr. Hall, gave us the option to read Foundation by Isaac Asimov during the contemporary English literature unit and was much beloved for doing so. 30 years later, I still remember reading it for the first time.

Did the hybrids have only one ass? Those are rookie numbers.