
You can dismiss your trolls, especially the ones who side with sex traffickers.

Oh for fuck’s sake, someone please lock this horrific violent criminal psychopath UP - friggin hell why is this vaguely man-shaped piece of shit allowed to roam freely? So he can plot another escape attempt and be more successful at it the second time? Wtf!

I get that Romania doesn’t exactly have the right to a speedy trial, but why would you let a probable rapist and sex trafficker wander around your country at will? What do you think he’s doing with his free time, running a soup kitchen?

Ah, shit. This dickhead’s still alive.

The Tates have since been released from custody, once again.

Whenever I hear someone call themselves ‘alpha’, I assume their penis is so small that it is actually tucked inside their body.

There’s plenty to be concerned about besides polls for sure. I just hope people are as motivated to keep Trump out as they were in 2020, and that trumpers are less motivated, at the least by his criminal activity. It’s more important than ever, but there’s so much mucking it up. Can’t wait for the damn election to be

Very on brand for Trump to pick a name which sounds like a sleazy used car salesman or a mob fixer. 

His desire to debate is, to me, a HUGE red flag.

It’s actually become core to the right wing playbook.

Brokeass, Diaper wearing, Rapist Motherfucker Fascist Don

They’re especially bullshit this far out from an election, considering how many people are politically unaware and don’t think about it until a week before the election.

The polls are bullshit, especially the NY Times one. They polled 1,000 people over the phone, with a response rate of about 6%. Who actually answers and then sits through a political poll on their phone? Just a guess, but I’d say more likely the type to be trumpers. Then they milk it like it’s the official outcome of

Put this man in prison already!

Considering how American Hitler is a severely mentally ill criminal who lies at the drop of a hat—literally a pathological liar:

“Honest" Don.

Right, one way or another this clearly happened because of Boeing.

Even if it was a suicide, which I doubt (why in the parking lot?), Boeing is still 100% involved in his death. 

Wow. Someone contact John Oliver’s team. He did an episode where Boeing was the main topic. And a couple of weeks later, more Boeing planes had close calls. 

Quite suspicious a man that was going to testify against a big corporation suddenly commits suicide.