
Please stop giving this man credit / benefit of the doubt he does not deserve.

One of my former college buddies in the group chat was going off like Trump last night. I think he wrote about a 10,000 word essay worth of deranged texts.

Yeah, I was going to say-- just when I thought Trump could not possibly be less self-aware, he goes and says something like that. It’s almost impressive.

It’s either the money, or the fact that he has to be against anything Biden is for, even if he agrees, because it’s always only ever been about what’s best for him and no one else.

Intervention from higher up?  No, not god.  A few tech heads with a conscience.  

Follow the money: He needs $500 Mil AT LEAST, he’s trying to flog Truth Social, he might be president again, gob help us, and the Chinese would love to be able to buy their way into the White House.

Why would he hate Facebook? FB is a haven for right wing conspiracies and Trump supporters. It’s where most of MAGA gets their news from.


  • He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are “losing it.” The anger and shouting is not helpful to bringing our Country back together!

Could it have anything to do with the fact that Republican mega-donor Jeff Yass, a billionaire with a big investment in ByteDance, recently had a friendly phone call with Trump, according to Politico?

Trump is making a bid for more money from Tik Tok or China...he’s got bills to pay after all.

How and why did people become MAGA will be studied the same way they did Hitler and the Nazis.

He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are “losing it.”

John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry October 17th, 1859

Trump has been a favorite reference point to psychologists across the world; to see how narcissism or Narcissistic Personality Disorder works and how its effectiveness leads to a pattern of corruption in the political landscape or even locally:

He probably couldn't pay the bills.

It certainly doesn’t require mammoths, but it works like this: grazing animals like horses, buffaloes, etc eat all the woody vegetation, transforming the tundra into more of a snowy grassland. This in turn, makes the landscape more white and a greater amount of sunlight is bounced back into space.

Wow a bunch of lying sore losers jacking each other off over owning the libs. I wonder what kind of transactional devil’s bargain they were trying to knife each other with while trying to keep their own giant egos from being deflated.

Attention fanboys, this is literally Musk’s lifelong modus operandi. Super genius indeed.

Good. He can go fuck himself.