
To be fair, they called it “DYNAMIC Pricing”, you know so they could gaslight us into believing it’s not just a fancy word for screwing us 🤣

This is the kind of stuff 20 year old business majors with no life experience come up with. “What if we make Wendy’s the Uber of fast food?”

Just more evidence of how far removed executives are from regular people.

It amazes me that the same people who don’t believe in basic scientific fact can concoct convoluted conspiracy theories about anything.

I can't fucking wait for Jones' media "empire" to get liquidated as part of his bankruptcy.

Do not contribute something to a conspiracy that which can be easily explained by idiocy and incompetence.

This was a stupid idea when it was announced and it’s a stupid idea now.

This area was basically my backyard for 30 years. I was born on Travis and have lived on base, in Fairfield, in Suisun, in Vacaville, in Dixon, in Winters for a minute, and let’s not leave out Woodland and Davis. Unless they plan on spending $100 million or so on infrastructure (Hwy 113 widening and a new fucking

Reminds me of people living in unincorporated parts in Arizona. There was a guy who was very angry to find out that when his house was on fire, there was no fire department. The area contracted with the nearest fire department was like 30 minutes away, so his house was ash by the time they arrived.

At least with an HOA, you do have the ability to challenge the bylaws by knowing what they are. This sounds like signing a blank contract and someone fills in the term later...

It would be fun if the County rezoned the whole area as agricultural preservation or conservation, limited lot sizes to 20 acres minimum, and instituted a 7 PM curfew.

The book A Libertarian Walks into a Bear by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling lays out exactly how ignorant Libertarians are.

Nah, don’t warn them. It will be more fun to watch.

Is anyone gonna send them a copy of “A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear”, or are we all just gonna wait until it devolves into a lawless land full of sex offenders after, generously, 3 weeks?

“21st century America” ?

This sounds like the worst Homeowner’s Association, ever. The only people who think this would be a good idea are the people who would want to run an HOA.

Developers let it slip that they wanted to fund the community entirely through private sector money

Jesus, this is terrible.

I live in California, and folks who choose not to incorporate, often out of a “we don’t need no gubmit” worldview, basically get ignored by their county governments, who tend to focus on a few big donors/tax revenue generators. But California Forever doesn’t sound like it has any real plan to

So, the political body that will have jurisdiction is the county board of Supervisors.”

So a very tiny minority of people will essentially hand control over to massively wealthy interests who will set and dictate terms, and everyone else mostly has no say. There’s a word for that kind of scenario. It’s just on the tip of my tyranny....